As an American it is my responsibility to take up the slack and say how very sorry I am for my nations bad behavior. Now for all you Freeper's out there. DON'T dig to deep into this, it is because I love my country so much that I must point out the things that we are doing out of spite, arrogance, ignorance, and greed. I say ,we, as it is important to take accountability for the actions of others I call countrymen. If I am to be an American, then that means I must accept it all. Rejoice in that which is good, accept those things that are bad, and in the acceptance, fight to see it never happen again. This nation prides it's self on it's integrity, it's honor. If we Americans are to believe ourselves honorable people, than we must act it. We are part of a greater whole. One nation out of many, and just as the people of a city may not agree on all things, so go the way's of nations. It is my hope that this nation that prides itsself as "The Melting Pot" has not abandoned that belief, that we have not given up a once great dream.