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This is the Alabama sheriff who liked the old days better when men were men, women were women, and gays were an abomination. Journalist and Sirius radio jock Mike Signorile caught Holcomb on his cell phone!
And oh, it's a great conversation. Holcomb says he was inspired in his anti-gay prejudice from President George Bush and US Senator Rick Santorum. Holcomb also says that male dogs in New York might sometimes screw other male dogs, but good ole Alabama dogs don't do any such thing. And don't miss the end of the interview where Mike and the sheriff discuss the art of fucking. I am so not kidding.
Actually, the more I listen to this interview the more impressed I am with Signorile. Mike is simply amazing. He starts the interview all peaches and cream, sits back, lets the guy talk himself out, doesn't weigh in at all, then like 5 or 10 minutes into the interview, you can hear Mike starting to wake up a bit. Suddenly he's interjecting more, and by the end of the interview, he lectures the sheriff! I've seen Mike do this time and again, it's amazing. He just lulls them into this false sense of security, then ends up ripping them. I love it. And it's really amazing. I've known Mike for years, but I never cease to be amazed by him.