Fundamentally, I believe in holding balanced views and avoiding hypocrisy.
I believe morality stems from following the Golden Rule, or even better, the Platinum Rule (Do unto others as they would have you do; not everybody wants to be treated exactly the same way.).
I am a non-theist who gains a sense of spirituality from the study of physics, and I don't begrudge theists whatever it is that gives them the same. All I ask is that beliefs (or lack thereof) be respected.
I believe in personal responsibility; however, as a liberal, my desire not to give others an unwarranted free ride (especially resulting from their own unwise actions) is tempered by my desire to aid those who, through no fault of their own, suffer misfortune.
Of two possible legal errors, letting a guilty man go free, or wrongly convicting an innocent one, I think the second is a far greater injustice.
Similarly, I am deeply concerned with "making the punishment fit the crime". I believe the criminal system has three purposes: to punish the guilty, to attempt to rehabilitate, and to protect society. In the case of those who are truly insane, in the sense they do not, at the time of their crime, know right from wrong, I believe there is no criminal culpability on their part, and the goal should not be punishment, but rehabilitation (if possible) and, most importantly, protection of society.
I believe an American life is worth no more or less than that of any other human being.
I believe individualism and collectivism both have their place. Society ought to be a balance between the two. Collectivism, per se, is not bad; collectivism out of balance with individual rights, however, is.
I have a psychological need to understand others; for this reason, I have a hard time demonising my political opponents. I don't see the debate process as one in which there must be a winner and a loser, in which a compromise must be made. Rather, I prefer to view my opponents' criticism as an opportunity to make my own ideas better.
If a zero-sum solution is in hand, I would prefer to continue researching one that will "make the pie higher".
I believe life isn't fair, but that should never stop you from standing silent when you feel an injustice has been/is being committed. I believe, in all things, that we can do better.
I believe strong public education is the great equaliser that is required to maintain a stable democracy.
I believe in peace through superior firepower, but I also beleive in exercising restraint in using that firepower.
I believe in crafting tightly focused laws that target only what is intended. For example, if you're anti-drunk driving, target that; don't attempt to outlaw all alcohol. Blunderbuss-style laws generally create more problems than they solve.
I believe we made the wrong decision to invade Iraq, but now that we've done it, we need to stay and stabilise the country so it won't be a breeding ground for future terrorists. I believe we need to continue to examine our reasons for doing so, to avoid making similar mistakes again.
I also believe I haven't written anything that many people would be fundamentally at odds with, but would differ with me on a matter of degree (i.e. -- where the balance point lies between individualism and collectivism).
I may add a few more items as I think of them...
That's what I believe. Feel free to critique, add your own, call me crazy, whatever.