Instead of starting sex ed in 4th grade, I would have suggested that your son's school start teaching age-appropriate sex-ed in Kindergarden.
That's what they do in scandanavian countries, adn they have the lowest teen pregnancy and std rates in the world.
I'm in nursing school. I've had to take ALOT of anatomy & physiology just to get into the program. Even in college, the 'reproductive' system is the last part that's taught, it's given a cursory glance, and that's it.
We're just as controlled by sex as we are our heart, our hormones, and our brains.
I find it disturbing (not in your case at all, just with people in general) that they treat sex as though it's taboo. It's no more taboo than our elbow, our toes, or our hair. Yet we give Vagina and Penis and Anus funny ha ha words. Toot-Toot and Wee-WEe and Ho-ho....why don't we give alternate names to our elbow? Our earlobes? Why are the two parts of our body that TOTALLY define who we are and what our species is about given such secretive and "not in polite society' names?
A friend of mine called me about a year ago re: her 3 year old daughter. She said "She says her woo-woo hurts when she tinkywinkys" What the fuck is a woo-woo? Tinky-Winky? Isn't that a teletubby?
Sorry for the rant----I think that we do a major disservice to our youth by NOT talking about sex earlier than we do. I didn't get my first sex-ed class until I was in 8th grade...and by that point, 3 girls in my class had already dropped out because they were pregnant.
At an elementary school in my hometown a few years ago, there was an 8 year old who was pregnant by a 12 year old.
Girls are reaching puberty earlier and earlier....some say because of the hormones in cow's milk...but the fact is, the earlier they reach puberty, the earlier they can get pregnant, and the earlier they have those hormones flying around without any clue what to do with it.
I'm glad you're open with your sons. Sadly, too many parent's aren't. My mom was, and I remember hearing girls in 6th grade talk about how you won't get pregnant if you have sex in a swimming pool, or if you have sex then stand up, or if you douche afterwards. Wehther these girls were having sex, I do not know. But they were getting erroneous sexual information from somewhere, and sadly that info may have come directly from their parents.
We don't delay talking about other health-and-body issues with our children, and I Don't think we should delay talking about sex adn sexuality with our children either. It should be continuous from the time they can talk until the time they leave the house.
We have to give the school some responsiblity because there are LARGE numbers of adults out there who DO NOT KNOW about human sexuality. They don't know how to effectively prevent pregnancy. They don't know how to efefctively prevent STDS. Hell---many parents don't even feel comfortable mentioning S-E-X around their children.
To deny children a quality sex-ed program, we're ADDING to society's costs by having higher teen pregnancy rates, higher STD rates, higher rates of poor and poverty stricken young parents who have never had a sex-ed program themselves so have NO WAY of effectively teaching THEIR children about safe sex.
And sex ed is (or should be) more than "Penis + Vagina = babies" There are TONS of health issues regarding the urogenital region...infections (not necessarily sexually transmitted), general health, how it affects the body whole...kids need to know this so that they can be ADULTS who know this.
sorry for the rant. I promise it wasn't directed at you, but rather what I feel is a misguided system who waits until the horses are in the pasture before shutting the barn door, and then wondering "why is our kids so dumbs?"