Enough is enough. $87 billion for Bush's li of a war, as we are floundering here at home...no child left behind mess, unemployment, failing infrastructure, attacks on our civil liberties, lies, lies and more lies, a massive deficit that keeps growing...The time for change is now. The Republicans have got another thing coming. The voter backlash under way is of a magnitude never before seen. I believe that Repukes are going to be voted out of office en masse, given their blind faith in this absoluter failure of an adimistration. Forget about letting all those billions go overseas. The rest of the world has basically told us, its your mess, you clean it up. Why don't we get all those millionaires that got the massive taxbreaks to pay for it? This American has had more than enough. Bush might get some of this money, but he will pay for it. With is job! The situation is so obvious that even my four year old triplets are saying " George Bush needs a new job!"
Please contact your senators and Representatives and tell them how your really feel. I just unloaded on Senator Corzine and Senator Lautenberg. They will read my message loud and clear.
Howard Dean 2004