Here is something that the world must know about. Kick it, Nominate it, and send it to everybody you know, both Liberal and Conservative.
From Osama's 'Letter to America'
Osama: We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honour, and purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication, *homosexuality*, intoxicants, gambling's, and trading with interest.
(Joe Farah wanted Stephen G. Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sandra Day
O'Connor, David H. Souter, John Paul Stevens and Anthony Kennedy impeached. They were the Supreme Court justices who ruled against 'sodomy' being a crime.
(According to Christianity Today magazine, Rushdoony (A Christian Theocrat) believes that under a Theocracy, "True to the letter of Old Testament law, homosexuals... adulterers, blasphemers, astro-logers, and other will be executed."
(The American Family Association think that homosexuals in this country should be thrown in jail for sodomy, but they also argue that the Bible prescribes death for them. AFA literature states that "...the Bible is unambiguous and consistent in its prohibitions of homosexuality."
(Homosexuality: Current Thinking & Biblical Guidelines, AFA)
(Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of
Church and State, said the Christian Coalition through its publications promoted the sale of Legislating Immorality a book that calls for the death penalty for homosexuals. Lynn said "Here is Ralph Reed selling hate the same time he says that violence is never justified...I do not remember Martin Luther King peddling hate literature."
Osama: Who can forget your President Clinton's immoral acts committed in the official Oval office? After that you did not even bring him to account, other than that he 'made a mistake', after which everything passed with no punishment. Is there a worse kind of event for which your name will go down in history and remembered by nations?
(The Rev. Pat Robertson Friday demanded Congress impeach President Clinton, saying resignation is too good for a ''debauched, debased and defamed'' leader.
(According to Rolling Stone, the impeachment effort against President
Bill Clinton "was reportedly conceived at a June 1997 meeting of the
Council for National Policy (A secretive RW group) in Montreal.
Osama's Letter to America,11581,845725,00.html