Boy, you can't even point out the obvious without getting attacked, namely that not only is the media NOT doing its soimple job, but to get in a jab at Bush you have to fight uphill first against their slant.
As a reporter you'd have to be an absolute...OK, so it is overused lately, but it fits...moron not to see that the UN, Europe of the rest of the civilized world is not going to overwhelm the Iraq occupation with charity and casualties so Bush can keep aggressing. The SAME stupidity and arrogant unreal reporting that couldn't see why the rest of world wouldn't humbly do Bush's bidding and join the crusade in the first place.
Aside from the hard pressure the US can bring to bear on anybody, even tiny African nations rejected temptation and threats when our worldly wise cynical morons were absolutely sure they must. They were dumb dead wrong then and they are now the same, a stumbling block in front of Dean trying to get past that really simple point, past the ongoing fantasy, past the illusion that Iraq is a done deal because we're the U.S.
Dean is speaking up for the real world through the medium of an insane asylum.