Don't consume/spend anything tomorrow
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Thu Jan-20-05 12:00 AM
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Don't consume/spend anything tomorrow |
Let's show * what we're made of. I plan on not spending a cent tomorrow. Also am thinking about fasting.
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Thu Jan-20-05 12:01 AM
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Thu Jan-20-05 12:03 AM
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2. Got my groceries today |
as well as bought the last thigns hubby needs for work he starts on Friday.
Cannot fast, for health reasons... or I would
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Thu Jan-20-05 12:06 AM
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keeping the wallet closed. Didn't think about fasting. What a great idea. Lots of water for me.
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Thu Jan-20-05 12:12 AM
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4. Ed Schultz had a point:: this only allows them to label us |
as anti-business nutjobs.
How about a compromise: buy Blue (Costco) tomorrow, or not at all?
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Thu Jan-20-05 12:33 AM
Response to Reply #4 |
5. Better not do anything that the Rethugs can attack us for. |
Edited on Thu Jan-20-05 12:33 AM by HomerRamone
I don't trust this Schultz guy, who Clear Channel puts on Air America here and takes away Mike Malloy's air time...
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Thu Jan-20-05 12:42 AM
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6. Fine. You can participate in the circular firing squad; |
Edited on Thu Jan-20-05 12:43 AM by LandOLincoln
me, I probably won't buy anything, but I'll mourn the possibilities of masses of people buying Blue or not at all.
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Thu Jan-20-05 12:49 AM
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7. I'm with you on this, R. |
"Not one damn dime" day tomorrow. I'll inform the rest of my family. Actually, we've seen some results of our "Buy Blue" "Boycott Red" action here at the DU.
It's actually worked! Wal-Mart showed losses, while Costco showed a 10% profit. Who says boycotts don't work.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:37 AM
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