Dear MoveOn member,
"Over the objections of many of its own employees, the Social Security Administration is gearing up for a major effort to publicize the financial problems of Social Security and to convince the public that
accounts are needed as part of any solution." (The New York Times, 1/16/2005)
More than 300,000 of us have now signed MoveOn's petition to Congress to save Social Security. But the White House is upping its efforts -- the New York Times disclosed on Sunday that it is using the Social Security Administration to mislead the American public and sell Social Security privatization. Documents obtained by The New York Times show that Bush's plan is to insert "propaganda" into Social Security publications -- using the apparatus of this huge government agency -- and the trust millions place in it -- to sell their privatization scheme that would cut Social Security benefits.
We need your help to make it clear that the Social Security Administration is not another propaganda tool of the White House. Please take one minute to send a message. Call the Social Security Administration at the number below. Tell them you oppose Social Security privatization and you expect them to deliver straight facts -- not White House spin -- to the American people.
Call: 1-800-772-1213
After the greeting, dial 1 for English or 2 for Spanish.
Then press 3.
Then press 0 to speak to a representative.
After you make your call click on the link below to let us know. 5059-4071335-CpHaGozDwZbC5n6mC0atBQ
This isn't the first time government agencies have been used to deceive like this. The Times notes that, "The Bush administration ran afoul of a ban on 'covert propaganda' when it used tax money to promote the new Medicare drug benefit and to publicize the dangers of drug abuse by young people. The administration acknowledged paying a conservative commentator, Armstrong Williams, to promote its No Child Left Behind education policy. But on Social Security, unlike those issues, the government has not concealed its role."
We need your voice on this issue. We can't let them get away with this.
Thanks for all you do.
--Tom Matzzie
January 18th, 2005
P.S. Please make your call and then ask your friends, family and colleagues to get involved. The best way they can help right away is to sign our Petition to Save Social Security at the link below.