An ethos of control, instead of harmony, in a discordant world: the fly in the Bush ointment. The tragic, oft-told story of the folly of control-freaks rarely turns out well, and is far inferior to a sincere pursuit of harmony. This simplistic analysis is the root problem from which all calamity flourishes on the Bush misery tree.
Misery is the barometer. The misery quotient is the measure of a world leader. The misery quotient is skyrocketing under Bush...
Mark Morford's column "And now, all outrage has become muted and lethargic. All protests, in the wake of BushCo's nauseating fear-based win last November, have become pale and moot and limp. We are numb and resigned to the steady stream of lie and abuse. This is the sentiment, even among many fear-hammered red staters who insist on seeing Bush as their pseudo-religious dumb-guy Messiah: a sort of national teeth gritting, a dark period in America, a hunkering down and waiting for it to be over and for the light to emerge again."
Not much more to add.
edit- maybe this:
snip fact, the next four years will establish the leverage to fulfill another of Grover Norquist's coinages: to get the federal government "down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub."
That's just how the Bushies do things: They plan. Every action is calculated to set in motion a cascade of consequences, to change the world. Take "No Child Left Behind," the education "reform" so brilliantly named you can't be against it without betraying some perverse desire to, well, leave children behind. It is a stone hustle, meant to lay the groundwork to destroy the entire American public school system.