Another alert DUer found a story linking the names of the man arrested at JFK airport who CLAIMS to be Michael Moore's bodyguard. A man with the name Patrick Burke penned this story recently:
Although George W. Bush may be Michael Moore’s greatest enemy in an ideological sense, there is no doubt that his term in the oval office has made life a little more comfortable for America’s favorite malcontent. For as much as he portrays himself as a stoic crusader for the politically alienated, Moore’s films, books, and books to accompany his films are hardly free. It is unlikely that Moore appears on The Daily Show or any cable news programs charitably either. This is not to say that Michael Moore is a complete fraud. There is no reason Moore cannot capitalize on his beliefs without sacrificing his sincerity. Nevertheless, there is some tension in the fact that, while Moore’s art is overtly revolutionary, Moore the artist has flourished off the status quo. The question becomes: How will Michael Moore’s highly lucrative, mildly parasitic relationship with President Bush evolve in the latter’s second term? this same person, or someone else with the same name, or (least likely) Michael Moore's bodyguard (?!), penned a talking points story about how Moore is a sell-out and lives too comfortably and all the usual crap. Something ain't right with this picture.
Has anyone else seen this bodyguard story from a source other than Faux News? Faux getting duped could be an interesting counter-story.
Parlock story: