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Wow! GREAT interview with Boxer in Salon!

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crispini Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-05 11:28 AM
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Wow! GREAT interview with Boxer in Salon!
This is my favorite bit:

Q: Your critics would say -- and, in the context of the protest of the electoral vote, they did say -- that you're the one who has trouble understanding democracy. Bush was reelected in November, and he says his reelection was an "accountability moment" in which the American people ratified his decisions about Iraq.

That's what George Bush said, and I don't agree with that at all. We're all responsible for our actions in our lives, and we all have to be held responsible and accountable for things that will happen when we're no longer in office, too. I mean, if we cast a vote for Social Security so that we end up with senior citizens walking around garbage cans looking for food, it doesn't matter if that happens a year from now or 40 years from now. We're responsible. There's no statute of limitations on bad judgment.

more at:
(you may have to watch an ad, but it's great)

Wow, it really made me feel better, on a day like today, to read that and know that she is there. Sen. Boxer, :yourock:
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oc2002 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-05 11:32 AM
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1. too bad there are not more Democrats in office like her. She has guts stand up for what she believes in. And walks the walk, when it comes to voting.
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