Edited on Mon Sep-08-03 11:32 AM by KoKo01
Those are Poppy's words from a clip Blitzer promo'd just now....."you don't want me to talk dirty about Saddam to you, Paula." (quote). He was leaning over the desk looking at her speaking in a raspy, confidential, intimate way.
For you folks on DU who aren't Southern.......what he said "talking dirty" can often be taken in a sexual way...very sexual between Southerners. Poppy in the clip looked a little "dirty when he said that."
Anyway, what's interesting is that Poppy is on tonight. Another sign that "Little Shrubbie" is in deep doo doo. What Poppy forgets is that he has NO credibility with the American people who booted the idiot out of office after one term. The fact that he is giving this interview to help his little offshoot/spawn........say's he's as clueless as his son is about his ability to sell anything or be taken seriously. Just my opinion......but I remember Poppy........
Let him "talk dirty" all he wants with Paula.............Shrub is going out the same door he did.
Posting in case there are any DU'ers who want to check this out. Newbie, young DU'ers who don't know Poppy should probably check it out.........Just so you know what the Sire of Shrub was all about.