Jeb Bush seized flight school records at 2 AM on September 12.
Why did Jeb Bush and federal agents seize records from Huffman Aviation - Florida flight school of Mohammed Atta, and other 9/11 hijackers - in the middle of the night following the attacks of September 11th and load them onto a C-130? And why did Jeb Bush know, hours after the attack, where to look?
"Whatever secrets Dekkers may possess about the terrorists, records from his flight school were deemed sensitive enough to have merited being escorted back to Washington by Florida Governor Jeb Bush aboard a C-130 cargo plane, which left Sarasota less than 24 hours after the September 11 attack." Valentine:
The federal authorities came in and grabbed up all of the records of the flight school.
That’s right. They flew them out on a plane that also had Jeb Bush aboard.
The federal authorities told the local law enforcement authorities to keep their noses out of the investigation, didn’t they?
That’s correct. I sat down with two Southern lawmen, a current sheriff and his immediate predecessor. These two guys looked me dead in the eye and said that, based on what they have seen with a lot of CIA-connected covert operations in the area, the CIA was somehow involved in, if not responsible for, the World Trade Center attacks. You might expect some wild-eyed leftist radical to say that. But these are two Southern sheriffs. They have spent years watching CIA activities that they could not interfere with. And what are the linkages between the flight school and its Republican owner, Wally Hilliard, to US covert agencies and the covert drug trade?
"A Learjet belonging to the true owner of the Venice flight school that trained both terrorist pilots who flew into the World Trade Center was seized with more than 30 pounds of heroin onboard by Federal Agents in July of 2000 at the Orlando Executive Airport."'s the largely unexplored connection between Atta, the CIA, al Qaeda and drugs?
From Sander Hicks:
...what makes Ben-Veniste such an intriguing player on the 9/11 Commission (The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States) is his experience with rogue drug-running CIA operatives. Ben-Veniste defended Barry Seal, the notorious smuggler who flew C-123 military cargo planes filled with cocaine into Mena, Arkansas on behalf of the contras.
Al Qaeda's lead 9/11 hijacker, Mohamed Atta, was allegedly partying with CIA-connected pilots while he got his flight training in fall/winter 2000 at Huffman Aviation in Venice, Fla., where two of the other 9/11 hijacker pilots trained. Atta wasn't acting much like a holy martyr: He wore jeans and sneakers, played video games, bought himself a red Pontiac and was said to be a hedonist. The Press posed the question to Ben-Veniste: If Atta belonged to the fundamentalist Muslim group, why was he snorting cocaine and frequenting strip bars?
"You know," said Ben-Veniste, as he smiled a little. "That's a heck of a question." And Daniel Hopsicker:
FBI agents harassed and intimidated witnesses to the 9/11 terrorist conspiracy’s activities in Florida, issuing warnings to avoid talking with reporters, say current and former residents in Venice, Florida. At least one eyewitness, who knew Mohamed Atta because he lived next door for a time, received regular visits for over six months after the attack from FBI agents eager to ensure she continued to remain silent. Several said they felt unfairly singled out because what they saw and heard is at considerable variance with the official story of the terrorist cadre’s time in Florida.
An American girl named Amanda Keller, for example, briefly lived with Mohamed Atta in Venice, according to both local news reports and numerous eyewitnesses. Jeb's cozy relationship with Hilliard, the flight school owner:
At the same time their planes were flying back and forth from Venezuela with illegal cargo Hilliard's charter service was also, unbelievably, being utilized at virtually no cost--despite the fact that rentals for Lear jets can run as high as $1,800 an hour--by Florida Governor Jeb Bush.
Even stranger, both Governor Jeb Bush and Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris were providing celebrity endorsements to Hilliard's operation well after the company's Lear (N351WB) had been busted by DEA agents armed with machine guns.
One would think a sitting Governor seems well-advised to steer well clear of anything to do with heroin trafficking. Yet Governor Jeb Bush honored Hilliard's operation--called at various times Florida Air, Sunrise Airlines and Discover Air--with a personal visit, even posing for photos with the "Discover Air family."

Is it just incredible bad luck that these two prominent Florida politicians endorsed an operation that both trained murderous terrorists AND brought heroin into America? detective "won't confirm or deny" on the record
From Sander Hicks:
After the 9/11 planes slammed into American landmarks, Battuello began to see a possible connection between the terrorists, their flight school, owner Wally Hilliard and his associate Du Bain. She left her comfortable Napa Valley home and went hunting for the truth. In Florida, she says, she found cab driver and Navy veteran Bob Simpson, who had driven Mohamed Atta around on multiple occasions. Simpson told Battuello that Rudi Dekkers, president and CEO of Huffman, was hanging out in nightclubs with Atta and other Saudis as recently as August 2001. According to Keller, Atta's ex-girlfriend, Dekkers and Atta did cocaine and went to strip clubs together quite a bit.
Hopsicker went looking for more on Dekkers, a Dutch citizen. Did the Huffman CEO have any prior arrests in Sarasota County, Fla.? Sgt. Michael Treanor, of the Venice Police Department, frustratedly told him they wouldn't be able to answer that question. Two of his detectives had removed all of Dekker's files and loaded them onto a plane for the FBI. One of those detectives, now promoted to Sergeant, was Tom McNulty. McNulty tells the Press, "I seized the files with the FBI because of some contacts I have in this area." But McNulty won't confirm or deny Hopsicker's reporting that Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was involved in the seizure of Dekkers' files.
Will any of this information find a place in the 9/11 Commission's official report, due out in July? Don't get your hopes up. "They loaded two Ryder trucks (of Huffman Aviation and Venice Police Department documents) right outside that (police station) window," one Venice law enforcement official told us. "And then they drove them right onto a C130 military cargo plane at Sarasota airport which flew out with Jeb Bush aboard. The FBI took all our files. Everything." More on drugs, Jeb, and the family business
According to Terry Reed, author of Compromised, "the FBI had inserted a female undercover agent into the inner circle of Medellin Cartel founder Pablo Escobar. Her name was Darlene Novinger and she got very close to an Escobar cousin named Steve Plata."
"Thanks to the 'uc', as undercovers are called, Barry Seal and Terry Reed were sent on a drug sting to meet some wealthy Texans," writes Ruppert. "It turns out that the wealthy Texans were George W. and Jeb Bush who flew in on the family owned King Air to pick up the cocaine themselves. Hidden DEA cameras filmed the whole incident, including the tail number of the aircraft and both Bushes participation. According to Reed, nobody knew in advance who the buyers were. Reed states that he has both the tail number of the aircraft and the DEA case file number and he strongly suspects that tape to turn up during the 2000 presidential election."
Former CIA operative Terry Reed had worked closely with the late Barry Seal, a notorious drug smuggling pilot who also worked for the CIA.... Reed describes a conversation he had with Seal about his 'insurance" aka blackmail, in case the Bush Family Crime Syndicate would try to double-cross him.
Reed was incredulous. "... Barry, are you telling me George Bush's kids are in the drug business?" he asked.... "Yup, that's what I'm tellin ya. A guy in Florida who flipped for the DEA has got the goods on the Bush boys. Now I heard this from a reliable source in Colombia, but I just sat on it then, waiting to use it as a trump card if I ever needed it. Well I need to use it now. I got names, dates, places, even got some tape recordings. I even got surveillance. videos catchin' the Bush boys redhanded. I consider this stuff my insurance policy, " said Seal. More good reading: "Why Does George W. Bush Fly in Drug Smuggler Barry Seal's Airplane?""...what makes Ben-Veniste such an intriguing player on the 9/11 Commission (The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States) is his experience with rogue drug-running CIA operatives. Ben-Veniste defended Barry Seal, the notorious smuggler who flew C-123 military cargo planes filled with cocaine into Mena, Arkansas on behalf of the contras."
Seal was gunned down in 1986.
As for undercover agent Novinger, she was threatened, family members were killed and she was forced to resign. She died of cancer in January 2003.
Here's a passage from Rodney Stitch's book Defrauding America:
"Darlene Novinger said to me that she discovered during an FBI investigation that George Bush and two of his sons were using drugs and prostitutes in a Florida hotel while Bush was vice president. She said that when she reported these findings to her FBI supervisors they warned her not to reveal what she had discovered. Novinger had been requested to infiltrate drug trafficking operations in South America and the United States. She was pressured to quit her FBI position; her husband was beaten to death; and four hours after she appeared on a July 1993 talkshow describing her findings (after she was warned not to appear), her father mysteriously died. A dead white canary was left on his grave as a warning to her. After receiving death threats she went into hiding, from where she occasionally appeared as guest on talk shows, and called me from undisclosed locations." - page 469
More details from later in the book:
Novinger had been an investigator with the Federal Crime Task Force, and then was recruited by the FBI to work in an undercover capacity.
She worked on Operation Nimbus, investigating large-scale drug smuggling on the Eastern seaboard. The investigation revealed the narcotic operation of a powerful Lebanese family living in Miami and Jamaica, which was also tied to the Lebanese fascist Phalange. Family's name is Smatt, headed by William Smatt. And Novinger said the Smatt operation implicated VP Bush and son Jeb.
After submitting her report, orders came to cease the investigation and destroy all reports. She says someone in the FBI's Miami office leaked to the Smatt group that she had penetrated the operation.
Before Operation Nimbus was shut down, veteran US Customs investigator Joe Price filed corroborating reports implicating Bush. After he filed in Sept 1983, FBI agents arrested him on a narcotics trafficking charge.
The election’s less than six months away. To help ensure a fair election, it makes sense to spread the truth about what kind of people make up the Bush Organized Crime Family. Here's a bit on the "brains" of the new generation.
Jeb Bush is friends with terrorists, drug-dealers and election stealers.
The Bush Family's Bloody Pals
Florida a Sanctuary for Terrorists
by Jack McCarthy
Florida is not only a sanctuary for retirees and tourists. It is also a haven for terrorists, some retired some still active.
Now Florida doesn't harbor the kinds of terrorists who would interest our bumbling "Homeland Security" inspector Tom Ridge mind you.
These are the kinds of terrorists who would be welcomed at a backyard BBQ thrown those WASP Sopranos, the Bush family.
CONTINUED… The Bush Dynasty and the Cuban Criminals
New book reveals links of two presidents and the governor of Florida with exiled hardliners
by Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
The brother of President George Bush, the Florida governor, Jeb Bush, has been instrumental in securing the release from prison of militant Cuban exiles convicted of terrorist offences, according to a new book. The Bush family has also accommodated the demands of Cuban exile hardliners in exchange for electoral and financial support, the book suggests.
Last year, after September 11, while the justice department announced a sweep of terrorist suspects, Cubans convicted of terrorist offences were being released from US jails with the consent of the Bush administration, according to the book, Cuba Confidential: Love and Vengeance in Miami and Havana, by Ann Louise Bardach, the award-winning investigative journalist who has covered Cuban and Miami politics for the New York Times and Vanity Fair.
The Bush family connections go back to 1984 when Jeb Bush began a close association with Camilo Padreda, a former intelligence officer with the Batista dictatorship overthrown by Fidel Castro.
Jeb Bush was then the chairman of the Dade county Republican party and Padreda its finance chairman. Padreda had earlier been indicted on a $500,000 (£320,000) embezzlement charge along with a fellow exile, Hernandez Cartaya, but the charges were dropped, reportedly after the CIA stated that Cartaya had worked for them.
CONTINUED… Terrorist Connections Resurface In Florida
by Jane Franklin; June 29, 2002
Governor Jeb Bush is about to choose a Florida State Supreme Court judge. There are five finalists and his deadline is August 12. Since there is no Hispanic on the Court, most people expect Jeb Bush will want to name a Hispanic. There is only one Hispanic among the finalists. That one Hispanic is of course a Cuban- American. He is Raoul Cantero III, a corporate lawyer for a Miami firm, Adorno & Yoss--the only one of the five who is not a judge.
Governor Jeb Bush might consider it more important for a Supreme Court judge to have Cantero's experience working for Hank Adorno, who had a long association with the family businesses of Jorge Mas Canosa and his son Jorge Mas Santos, late chair and current chair, respectively, of the Cuban American National Foundation, the wealthiest and most influential right-wing Cuban-American organization.
Is Raoul Cantero ready to enforce the law even against Cuban- American terrorists? This is a matter of major importance because terrorism against Cuba is one of the issues that confronts the Florida court system with astonishing regularity. The U.S. Neutrality Act forbids launching military expeditions from U.S. territory against any nation with which the United States is at peace. Nevertheless, in Florida, the prevailing jurisprudence is that it's o.k. to commit terrorist acts against Cuba. In Florida courts, those who carry out armed attacks against Cuba are treated as freedom fighters. Contrariwise, anyone tried for attempting to find out about those plans and warn Cuba about them is quite likely to end up in prison, as have five Cubans recently sentenced to long prison terms, including life behind bars.
Now that White House Resident George Bush is supposedly waging a War on Terror, one might think that brother Jeb would not want to select anyone with a record that suggests approval of terrorism.
This one Hispanic on the final list for Florida's Supreme Court just happens to be the grandson of former Cuban dictator, General Fulgencio Batista. And his father served under Batista as an intelligence officer in the Bureau for the Repression of Communist Activities or BRAC, notorious for torture and assassination. Of course it would not be fair to assume that Raoul Cantero shares the politics of his father and his grandfather Batista. But his own record indicates that he is continuing the family tradition of favoring terrorism against the Cuban people.
CONTINUED... Best Democracy Money Can Buy: Part III
A Black-List Burning for Bush: The Unreported Story of How They Fixed the Vote in Florida
Especially with a President named “Bush.” ChoicePoint’s board, executive suite and consultant rosters are packed with Republican stars, including former New York Police Commissioner Howard Safir and former ultra-Right congressman Vin Weber, ChoicePoint’s Washington lobbyist.
Thursday, 2 a.m., December 7, 2000. On the other end of the line, heavy breathing, then a torrent of words too fast for me to catch it all. “Vile . . . lying . . . inaccurate . . . pack of nonsense . . . riddled with errors . . .” click! This was not a ChoicePoint whistleblower telling me about the company’s notorious list. It was Choice- Point’s own media communications representative, Marty Fagan, communicating with me about my “sleazy disgusting journalism” in reporting on it.
Truth is, Fagan was returning my calls. I was curious about this company that chose the president for America’s voters.
They had quite a pedigree for this solemn task. The company’s Florida subsidiary, Database Technologies (now DBT Online), was founded by one Hank Asher. When U.S. law enforcement agencies alleged that he might have been associated with Bahamian drug dealers -- although no charges were brought -- the company lost its data management contract with the FBI. Hank and his friends left and so, in Florida’s eyes, the past is forgiven.
“They” is Florida State, not ChoicePoint. Let’s not get confused about where the blame lies. Harris’s crew lit this database fuse, then acted surprised when it blew up. Swedlund says ChoicePoint had a professional responsibility to tell the state to test the list; ChoicePoint says the state should not have used its “raw” data.
CONTINUED… hires former drug smuggler
The computer expert with strong ties to law enforcement will help the state track terrorists.
St. Petersburg Times
published August 2, 2003
TALLAHASSEE - In an attempt to identify potential terrorists, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement is using the services of a former drug smuggler turned millionaire.
Hank Asher, 48, a computer technology expert who lives in a $3-million Boca Raton house, has founded several companies that retrieve huge amounts of electronic information about individuals.
He also has become a close friend to former FDLE director James T. "Tim" Moore.
"Hank Asher has done more to facilitate intelligence and information sharing for police in the country than anyone I've ever known. He's a patriot, a true friend," Moore told recently told the crowd at his FDLE retirement party.
CONTINUED… Kevin Phillips, Author of "American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush"
"Now what I get a sense of from all of this -- and then topped obviously by spending all the money in 2000 to basically buy the election -- is that this is not a family that has a particularly strong commitment to American democracy. Its sense of how to win elections comes out of a CIA manual, not out of the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution." -- Kevin Phillips
BuzzFlash: The title of your new book is "American Dynasty." You make the argument that the return of George W. Bush to the presidency restores, in essence, a Bush dynasty. What is wrong with that?
Kevin Phillips: Well, dynasties are something that the United States came into being fighting against. We have George III in 1775 and 1776. I don't see any reason why, in the last 25 years, we should have George I and George II, and think about Jeb I and so forth. It's pernicious, almost, by definition of what America's all about. It's doubly pernicious when you start thinking about the legacy of economic politics and bias, the legacy of association with the national security state intelligence agencies, the legacy of involvement in the Middle East in a way that may send some horrible chickens coming home to roost. I just don't think there's anything good about a dynasty in this country at all.
BuzzFlash: You frequently reference European dynasties in the book -- and as you mentioned, we rebelled against one of those. You mentioned the Hapsburgs, the Stuarts, the Bourbons, and so forth. Every dynasty had its characteristics of rule. You spend a good part of the book detailing what are some of the hallmarks or characteristics of the Bush dynasty, going back four generations to the founder of the Bush dynasty -- who, you mentioned at one point, I think, was a Democrat? Is that right?
Kevin Phillips: Well, it's hard to say. You're talking about George Herbert Walker in Missouri and Sam Bush in Ohio. And because they were the two great-grandfathers of the current President, attention is merited to them. And one was clearly a Democrat -- that was Sam Bush in Ohio. It's not so clear what George H. Walker was. By the time he got to New York in the 1920s, he seemed to be supporting more Republicans, but his origins in Missouri -- St. Louis -- had him a Democrat there. It's probably not terribly meaningful what he was. He was a financier in that era, and, I think, a real piece of work.
Highlights & Quotes
Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, a founding member of the Project for the New American Century and the brother of George W. Bush, has been a trailblazer--along with his brother--of so-called compassionate conservatism. After he lost his first bid to be Florida’s governor in 1994, Bush converted to Catholicism (his wife’s religion), began urging his fellow Republicans to pay more attention to minorities, became a godfather to a poor black boy, and opened a charter school in one of Miami’s most destitute neighborhoods. (During the 1994 governor’s race he had said he would probably do “nothing” for blacks.) (1)
But compassionate conservatism apparently has its limitations. In the 1996 book Profiles in Character, which Jeb Bush coauthored with Brian Yablonski, Bush laid out his view of “modern victim movements”: “The surest way to get something in today’s society is to elevate one’s status to that of the oppressed. ... Many of the modern victim movements -- the gay rights movement, the feminist movement, the black empowerment movement -- have attempted to get people to view themselves as part of a smaller group deserving something from society. ... Eventually there will come a time when everybody will be able to claim some status as a victim of society, leaving few in society who will actually be considered the victimizers.” (4)
Bush has also called for fewer death row appeals and faster executions while at the same time arguing that Florida should withdraw from Aid to Families with Dependant Children and replace it with “temporary assistance.” (5)
Jeb is widely considered to have aided his brother’s controversial election victory in Florida by disqualifying thousands of predominately African American voters who were falsely accused of being convicted felons. According to a investigation of Florida's voter rolls, “many voters, perhaps thousands, lost their right to vote because their names appeared on a flaw-ridden list generated by DBT Online (which has tight Republican ties) that included purported ‘felons.’ The investigation revealed that the lists were used in different ways at each of the state's 67 individual county election boards. Some found the list too unreliable and didn't use it at all, but most used the file as a resource to purge names from their voter lists. A disproportionate number of the voters purged were Democrats.” (7)
Posted on Sat, Oct. 05, 2002
It was 1991, dad was in the White House, and Jeb Bush was hopscotching through Nigeria in a corporate jet, on his way to meet government officials he hoped would buy $74 million worth of water pumps from his South Florida business partner.
On the jet with Bush was a Nigerian associate in the deal, Al-Haji Mohammed Indimi, who carried several heavy Hartmann suitcases. At least one of the bags, the airplane's pilot says, was packed with cash to bribe the Nigerian officials.
Did Jeb Bush know about the cash in the suitcase? Did he understand what the money was for?
Bush declined to be interviewed for this story. His campaign emphatically denied that he knew anything about suitcases full of bribe money.
In 1979, the Nugan Hand Bank took as its president Donald Beazley, then president of the Great America Bank of Miami, which was indicted in 1982 for its cocaine-laundering operations. When Nugan Hand collapsed in 1980, Beazley moved on to become president of the City National Bank of Miami. The bank's new owner was Alberto Duque, a Colombian wheeler-dealer who also became involved with George Bush's son Jeb in the construction of a downtown Miami high-rise.
Scandals constantly surrounded the bank. In 1982, Duque's former New York partner, Eduardo Orozco, was arrested and convicted of running the largest money laundering operation ever uncovered in the U.S. Most of the funds were deposited with the CIA-linked exchange firm Deak Perera. In 1986, Duque was found guilty on 60 counts of fraud and conspiracy.
Throughout the years, the Miami narco-banking network enjoyed considerable political clout with both U.S. political parties. In the 1950s and 60s, Kuomintang money from Thailand and Burma came via Hong Kong to be laundered through south Florida property firms. The Somozas and other South American dictators bought Well out of the glare of public scrutiny, leading banks have sinister connections with up Miami mansions and filled up local banks. One Florida real estate agent estimated that of all foreign purchases in 1979, only 20% were the product of legitimate money.
The drug laundry World Finance Corporation that helped finance CORU in the 1970s had high-level connections to both the Democratic Party in Georgia and Washington (when Carter was president) and also to the Miami circles of the Republicans under Nixon.
Northside Bank of Miami was owned by Gilberto Rodriguez Orejula of the Cali drugs cartel. The Popular Bank and Trust Company, which was owned by deposed Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza until his death in 1980, was used by the State department to transmit funds to the Contras.
CONTINUED... Then there's THIS one, with the greasy fingerprints of Jebthro:
How the Bush Family Coddled a Major Foreign Terrorist on US Soil
When Bosch helped found the terrorist umbrella network CORU in 1976, it began to receive funding from WFC , which printed and sold "bonds" to finance Bosch's terrorist work.
CORU founders, including Bosch, were implicated in the terrorist horrors of 1976 - the Cubana Airlines bombing and the assassination in Washington, D.C., of former Chilean ambassador Orlando Letelier. The deaths of Letelier and his research assistant, Ronni Moffitt, in a car bombing brought to seventy-six the number of people CORU claimed to have killed in North and South America since its founding barely four months earlier.
John Dinges and Saul Landau, in their book on the Letelier case, Assassination on Embassy Row, concluded that CORU had the "active support of the CIA" and was "allowed to operate to punish Castro for his Angola policy without directly implicating the United States."
At the time of the assassination, not-directly-implicating-the-United-States in the terrorist activities of CIA surrogates was George Bush 's job. If CIA dads in their old age tell their sons war stories, George Bush had a good one to relate to Jeb about how back in 1976 he came to save the bacon of Jeb's later-life hero Orlando Bosch and his Cuban exile pals. CIA Director Bush had to work overtime to keep the agency out of the storms when Letelier's murder on Embassy Row brought death squad politics to the nation's capital.
-- Hinckle and Turner, "Deadly Secrets," p. lii.
Source: 10 Reasons Not to Vote for Jeb Bush in 2002
BY ROCHELLE RENFORD / Make no mistake. Americans do love their royalty. Our founding fathers may have given the finger to the royals in England, but generations later the monarchy still rules. The lack of an official king and queen has only allowed the American public to anoint several unofficial royal lines instead. As much as Americans extol the virtues of hard work, most of us probably would have preferred the silver spoon route. Work is fine, but really, wasn't leaving the womb hard enough? For some lucky sperm, the birth canal is the last tight spot they'll have to find their way out of. Like the Kennedys and the Rockefellers, the Bush clan is a monument to unearned privilege and power, but they've distinguished themselves with their capacity for denial.
Gov. Jeb Bush has said that after college, he was on his own financially and made his own way through his own hard work. So what if that "hard work" was for his father's campaign, and for corporations run by his father's friends. While working at IntrAmerica Investments, a real estate development firm owned by Bush Sr. supporter Armando Codina, Bush's salary jumped six figures in about six years. He has said his family name wasn't an advantage but spent much of his career wooing clients who wanted to get next to his family. He was cut in on investment deals, even though he didn't actually have any cash to invest, and he walked away from scandals involving attempts to defraud the U.S. government, claiming that he wasn't a fraud but a dupe. Only he knows which is true, but it's clear that if he hadn't used his family connections to do favors for his wealthy comrades, some of the scandals wouldn't have happened. When developer Hiram Martinez Jr. requested $18-million in federal loan insurance for an apartment development in 1985, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development questioned its land value and delayed the request. Rather than allow HUD to do its job, Bush wrote a letter to the U.S. agency's undersecretary on Martinez's behalf. The loan was approved, the land values were inflated and Martinez got six years in prison on fraud charges. Bush has amnesia about the letter. Later he made a call to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to help another associate looking to get out of following some pesky federal rules.
Bush denies that he received special treatment in both of those incidents, but any citizen who's dealt with either agency knows that's not true. It's pretty damn special to have a top manager take your call, instead of getting a clerk who transfers your call or tells you to fill out forms.
It's his denial that makes Bush an ineffective governor. It's not possible to see why minorities would need affirmative action when you refuse to see that alumni and legacy admissions are a form of affirmative action too. It's easy to focus on punishment rather than rehabilitation when you've never had to be accountable for your own questionable dealings. Recognizing every citizen's right to vote is harder when you really believe that the only rights that count are yours.
Israel Jared and the Emperor's Clothes website
Some conclusions and relationships
* Jeb Bush worked for Texas Commerce Bank as the assistant to the founder and head of the South America division.
* Texas Commerce Bank linked was linked to Saudi and drug money.
* Texas Capital Bank is linked to SOCO International PLC and its offshore North Korea oil leases through John C. Snyder and Snyder Oil.
* The "Forbidden Truth" links current terrorism to Saudi Banks and BCCI.
* Peter Dale Scott and other have Texas Commerce Bank linked to BCCI.
* Texas Capital Bank is linked to Texas Commerce Bank through John C. Snyder and Jody M. Grant.
Texas Capital Bank looks like a reinvention of Texas Commerce Bank. Same miraculous Enron like story of success, same "oil men/Bush supporter" links, maybe the same domestic and international Oil Exploration clients. When Texas Commerce Bank started popping up in mid 90s drug money investigations, it got sold off to Chase Manhattan. A year later (1998) Texas Capital Bank appears in full Texas glory. Probably just in time to help finance GW campaign. Peter Dale Scott has got a great website on BCCI Saudi terrorist Financing Links and a new book coming out in 2003:"Drugs, Oil, and War". Wayne Madsen covers Saudi - Bin Laden ties here: . Professor Michael Chossudovsky (who has a new book out: WAR AND GLOBALISATION THE TRUTH BEHIND SEPTEMBER 11) also links Bush new chosen investigator to the Saudis and BCCI: Source: Osceola County, Fla., Commissioners to Stop Talks with Development Firm
Willoughby Mariano
The Orlando Sentinel, Fla.
Dec. 10--KISSIMMEE, Fla. -- Osceola County commissioners voted Monday night to kill talks on a $100 million convention center with an Orlando firm because of its possible ties to Osama bin Laden.
For two months, Xentury City Development had tried to fend off allegations that its Saudi-owned parent company has links to a bank that the United States alleges helps finance terrorism.
Yet Xentury's plans unraveled after researchers from the Local 362 of the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees union submitted a report to the county suggesting Xentury's parent company, Xenel International, may have links to banks that finance terrorists. A researcher for the union discovered a potential connection between Xentury's parent company, Saudi Arabia-based Xenel International, and an overseas bank the U. S. Department of State thinks was used to finance Al-Qaeda.
The CEO of Xenel is Abdullah Alireza. Alireza sits on the nine-member board of supervisors of an Islamic bank called Dar Al-Maal Al-Islami Trust. A subsidiary, Faisal Bank Sudan is among the co-founders of a third bank, Al Shamal Islamic Bank, according to published reports. State Department records showed Al Shamal Islamic Bank has been used to finance global terror.
CONTINUED... BCCI, Jebthro and Smirko – Robert Morgenthau for USAG
Manhattan DA Robert Morgenthau knows Jebthro, Smirko and Poppy are tied to BCCI -- the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, called by DCI Robert Gates "the bank of crooks and criminals international." Morgenthau was a great US attorney, but the Reagan-Bush DoJ doesn't like the good apples, if you know what I mean.
Ever hear of CenTrust? Jeb has. And an honest US Attorney General will make sure the whole BFEE remembers, too – from Leavenworth.
Investigating BCCI and Savings and Loan Fraud
The BCCI scandal and the savings and loan crisis are complicated by near-incomprehensible numbers, multitudes of players, and the heightened secrecy that often protects negligent and criminal behavior. Allan Dodds Frank, a business investigative reporter and producer at ABC News, observed that "(these) people are spending lifetimes constructing complex crimes....(I)f it were so easy, they wouldn't have made them so complicated."
In spite of the magnitude of numbers, names, and places, the BCCI affair and the savings and loan crisis can be reduced to a few basic themes. Reporters who discussed the coverage of these stories at The Annenberg Washington Program provided brief overviews of the scandals and tried to distill the issues for conference participants in much the same way they would for viewers or readers.
Although the scandal surrounding the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) is perhaps the biggest banking scandal in history, it received limited media coverage. BCCI was a Pakistani-managed, Middle East-financed international bank with branches in 70 countries. Peter Truell, a reporter for The Wall Street Journal who has written some of the most significant stories on BCCI, described the essence of the scandal:
It is a story about stealing very large amounts of money and using it for a multitude of illegal purposes, perverting governments, corrupting politicians, corrupting regulators, corrupting bank regulators.
Initial Plan For BCCI in the U.S. After the Takeover
BCCI worked make these branch offices high-profile from the beginning. In Miami, for example, the bank deliberately sought out well-known public officials and invited them to visit the bank. Both past and present Florida governors accepted the invitation, as did a U.S. Senator, and the then-son of the Vice President of the United States, Jeb Bush, who was at the time Florida's Secretary of State. Miami branch chief Abdur Sakhia said although BCCI had only been in south Florida a short time before its opening, it was already growing rapidly and becoming profitable, and political figures were glad to help the bank celebrate its growth.
We started in April 1982, but our formal opening in August 1982. Governor Graham came to that opening. Jeb Bush came to that opening too, along with Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young. Oil ministers from Venezuela, Abu Dhabi, the minister of economy and finance from Jamaica, Barbados, officials from Central Banks from all over the region. We had eight to ten ministers and central bank governors and leading businessmen from Venezuela and Peru and Trinidad, everywhere. It was a very successful opening. . .I have a videotape of portions of those in which Graham is being introduced to all BCCI people. Jeb Bush is also in those videotapes. Dante Fascell came to my house. We had met socially a couple of times. Reuben Askew came to the bank several times and had been to my house. Paula Hawkins came to the bank several times separately.(6)
CenTrust: BCCI Schemes With A Dirty S&L
Throughout the 1980's, BCCI had wanted to establish a foot-hold in Florida through owning a bank in that state with the ability to take deposits from Americans, a power precluded BCCI's branch operation there under federal bank laws applying to foreign banks, which are outside the U.S. federal deposit insurance system. Internal memoranda at BCCI begin referring to a variety of possible acquisitions of banks in South Florida, and a number of different BCCI officials, including Abdur Sakhia, who testified before the Subcommittee, began investigating possible target banks in Florida for BCCI's acquisition. A memorandum from Sakhia to Abedi in early 1986, entitled, "Future Plans in the United States," describes BCCI's intentions:
In point of fact, BCCI had expanded its branch offices to three in Florida -- Miami, Tampa and Boca Raton -- but was unable to find a suitable target bank in Florida over the remainder of 1986. Moreover, BCCI had decided by early 1986 that whatever it did in Florida would have to be secret, because the Treasury losses discovered by BCCI's auditors in 1985 and announced publicly in December 1985 had made BCCI even more notorious in international banking circles, and would subject any proposed purpose of a U.S. bank by BCCI to even more scrutiny.(52) Sakhia, as well as others affiliated with BCCI, had already begun meeting with CenTrust chief David Paul beginning in early 1985 and continuing through 1986, socializing with Paul. According to Sakhia, nothing came of these meetings. (53)