Instead, say "It's ALWAYS the Economy, IDIOT."
SURE it sounds mercinary, but this county is LOUSY with mercinaries: Corporate, Political, Advertizing, name it. And the ones that aren't active duty Mercinaries are "wanna-be's."
So what do MERCINARIES respond to? MONEY. Nothing else. MONEY.
This is a quote from "" This guy makes up the "Seven Deadly Sins" as motivational posters: I have "WRATH" over my desk in honor of my ghastly and legendary bad temper. I think we should tatoo this one on a loved one's forehead so we can't forget it:
Text: Look at that house. Pretty nice, eh?
You’d like to own something like that, wouldn’t
you? Don’t forget the reason you’re working
here. Money. It’s not about doing a good job or
showing up on time. Those are things you do
to keep making money. Cash. Moolah. That’s
why you’re here.
The point is that the only way we are going to hit the general populace where they live is in the pocketbook. The reason they voted for the Bushites is that they figured that the rePukes would now gut the government and stop them using any of the MEDICARE/MEDICAID-SSN surplus on any of those "undeservringlazybastardswhoaren'tmembersofmyethnicorsocialgroupanyway," so to tell them that we need to feed/house/clothe the needed, medicate the sick or help the broke is going to elicit this reaction:
People, they don't want compassion; they want COMPENSATION. The first line of the National Anthem is NOT "Oh Say Can You See," but "SHOW ME THE MONEY." If we don't show them how much RAW CASH the rePukes will cost them ALL THE GOD DAMNED TIME, IN WAR AND PEACE, THEN WE WILL LOSE. Democratic Party Policies ALWAYS are more cost effective: we're the party of POOR PEOPLE, REMEMBER? It's time we started showing the REST OF THE HERD that doing the best thing for ONE of us is the most cost-effective way to do for ALL OF US.
A school or a clinic costs less than a prison or a jail. A public works project costs less than a war. And both of these employ more Americans.