I was fervently hoping for a Kerry victory, but honestly, I am not sure that a whole lot would have changed. The Republicans still control both houses of congress, and the Supreme Court.
To affect the change we need in this country after four devistating years of a Bush administration, and 10 years of Republican controlled legislatures, it appears we will have to slide even more before many Americans open their eyes to the fact that they are being brainwashed by corporate media and the government.
The Democrats (us) are not ready for a sweeping victory. What we need to do is to be in position to do what the Republicans did with their 10 point plan for (against) America. We need to come out with a strong platform that the average American will buy, and then be prepared to sell that plan to the American public.
We do not have the infrastructure of the Republicans. We don't have a 24 hour cable news channel spewing our propaganda non-stop to those that will listen. We have the infancy of a talk radio network, but it really hasn't yet gaind enough momentum to drive the national debate. We don't have anything on the order of the Sinclair group working for us.
If John Kerry had been sworn in today, we would have probably had four years of frustration as many of the good ideas from the campaign would have been killed in Congress, and the Republicans would have continued to promote divisiveness daring Kerry to veto countless bills that sound good to the mass of unthinkers.
PERHAPS, and just perhaps, our cause will ultimately be better served building our resistance, our voice, to be ready for when a greater mass of Americans see for themselves the demise of democracy, our rights, and our way of life.
To be sure, today is a dark cloud for America. If every dark cloud has a silver lining, then perhaps this is it. We must remain skeptical of what we hear and read in the corporate media. We must remain critical of the forces that work against our democracy, freedom, and world standing. And, we must stay supportive of the issues and organizations that can eventually help us take back our America- help them grow.
We need to pay more attention to state and local politics. We just saw how a well-placed Secretary of State or two can swing these things (in two straight elections). Democrats made gains in several key state elections very recently, and this can translate into better days at the national level if the trend continues.
There will be another day.