Total Info Awareness's been morphed into CAPPS II . BTW, your financial info and health info are already outta the country.
See Sen Feinsteins bill,10801,76768,00.html""But Alan Paller, director of research at the Bethesda, Md.-based SANS Institute, said the California law is probably necessary because the kinds of crimes that are being committed. For example, a group in Russia and Ukraine has been acquiring customer data, extorting money to prevent its release and selling it anyway. Paller said he believes some companies are paying off the extortionists in an attempt to contain the damage. "You have to make the price of paying off the extortionists higher than the price of not paying them off, and this bill is the first thing that does that," he said""
this is why you see all those ID theft ads from the banks, who pushed for Glass-Stegall's repeal that made this all possible...
so, your financial info is already compromised by being offshored; your healthcare info is in the same boat see David Lazarus''m probably not going to be flying much anyway since Greens have been targets even before Ted Kennedy ! Political harassment is soon to be de riguer. Greens are more likely than Dems to be targetted they came for the greens and I did nothing...Then they came for the gays and I did nothing...Then they came for me...