We will not hurt any company by not spending money today. That is not my goal. My goal is to make a blip on the revenue figures of major corporations. When Macy's tries to understand why their retail sales were down this quarter and last, when Walmart looks at sales figures, when Sears does, and they see that sales are slightly down on the west and east coast. They then send someone just out of graduate school to analyze why. This young analyst looks at all the variables and comes back with a great analysis. "Many liberals are not buying from our store because they perceive us as a Republican company. As further evidence, in liberal areas we had a drop in sales on January 20th. I've included some articles about a boycott on sales on that day. My analysis shows that the boycott had some effect in some areas."
That's all we need. We don't need to disable the government but we need to show that there is a base willing to make economic decisions based upon politics. If a company is overtly political, folks will notice and take action.
Then the emails, the letters to the editor, letters to politicians...all are meant to put pressure and make it uncomfortable to support only Republicans.
For the historians...look at what happened with the economic boycotts against corporations supporting apartheid. I doubt we ever had a measurable economic impact, but we made it very uncomfortable to support companies investing in apartheid. We made them prove that one company was better than another and that's hard. It was easier to disinvest.