Here's an analysis by Michael A. Hoffman II, noted researcher into secret societies, the occult, and their influence in politics.
January 20, 2005
The Rule of Satan Made Manifest
The devil's horns: 1/20/05 and it's authenticThe ancient symbol of the devil's disciple--the devil's horns--publicly brandished in modern times most notoriously by heavy metal rockers, has now been displayed by our great "Christian" prez in this internationally-circulated photograph from his inauguration:
Brazen Presidential Satanism like this (as shown in the Reuters photo at the preceding URL), is a clear indicator that the System believes it has the situation so locked down that it can reveal it's true nature, symbolically, from time to time, in public.
The doses of revelation will increase in the months ahead as the
programming accelerates. For the game plan, read Arthur C. Clarke's seminal handbook, "Childhood's End." It was Clarke who predicted that revelations would become flagrant and the alchemical control process locked down beginning in 2001.
Admiral John Poindexter's supercharged, "Illuminati"
pyramid/All-Seeing-Eye symbol designed for DARPA in the Pentagon, and George Bush's Hellfire Club "masquerader's jest" in March 2004 at the press club dinner (go to and click on the link under the tiny TV set on the right), prepared the Group Mind for the Bush hand signal made today before the whole world, at his Second Inauguration.
The reign of Satan has officially commenced -- in the name of Jesus Christ.About Michael A. Hoffman II:
The obscure Michael A. Hoffman II is boycotted by Right and Left; revisionists and religious; New Agers and conservatives.
He is seriously underfunded, militantly hounded, banned from the Establishment media, blacklisted in the publishing industry, exiled to Idaho and constantly threatened with death while teetering on the verge of insolvency, even as he manages to consistently disseminate the most accurate counter-intelligence on the epistemology of the Cryptocracy available anywhere.
In July of 2001, two months prior to 9/11, Hoffman published the extended edition of his book, "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare" (revised in April of 2001 and printed in July), warning of Clarke's prediction that 2001 would be the iron gateway to the Cryptocracy's new aeon of what Antonin Artaud had profiled decades before as open-air, "civic Satanism".---------
Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare -The Double-Mind in Occult Philosophy Masqueraders' Jest Skull and Bones "Christianity" Witches and Rabbis: Legacy of the Reagan White House on the Altar: The Secret History of the World's Most Dangerous
Secret Society History newsletter: The Cryptocracy vs. The Neocons ------
The HOFFMAN WIRE is a public service of Independent History and Research, Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 USA
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