Where are the Bush twins?...I haven't seen them in their De la renta gowns
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Thu Jan-20-05 10:04 PM
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Where are the Bush twins?...I haven't seen them in their De la renta gowns |
Dubya and Laura have been shown at all 9 balls tonight, but NOBODY has even mentioned the girls!....How come....Hmmmmmm....
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Thu Jan-20-05 10:06 PM
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1. Some religious leader called them Jezebels. |
They've probably been sent home to change.
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Thu Jan-20-05 10:06 PM
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2. Probably out scoring H or something. |
Heavy drug use is the only way to get through these things.
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Thu Jan-20-05 10:09 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
4. What? Uncle Rush didn't bring them the drugs! |
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Thu Jan-20-05 10:21 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
9. Uncle Rush doesn't share |
Sorry girls, you're on your own! :evilgrin:
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Thu Jan-20-05 10:08 PM
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3. Probably passed out drunk somewhere n/t |
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Thu Jan-20-05 10:11 PM
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5. They have probably been excused and are |
at their local getting drunk in private. They do have a local. It was on AAR yesterday, but I don't remember the name. The person who outted them said that when they hang out there, everyone not acceptable can't come in.
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Thu Jan-20-05 10:14 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
6. It seems weird to me that nobody has even mentioned them tonight! |
As I remember it from the last time, Bush danced with Laura and then his daughters at these balls....It's as if everyone is purposefully avoiding mentioning them....Seems fishy to me.
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Thu Jan-20-05 10:26 PM
Response to Reply #6 |
11. They didn't choose their Dad. |
My dad was a John Birch Society member and a politically active Republican. He was still my dad.
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Thu Jan-20-05 10:19 PM
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7. I'm sure Jenna is too embarrassed to go out in public after |
the story is out she can't get a job because she can't meet the " No Child Left Behind " qualifications.
two gun sid
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Thu Jan-20-05 10:20 PM
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my house tonight to buy some dope. Drank all my beer and tried to cheat me on the price. I had to throw the skanks out. I was afraid my neighbors were gonna call the cops on me.
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Thu Jan-20-05 10:21 PM
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10. Their "gowns" don't look so good. |
I saw some pictures and the dresses are not for them!
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Thu Jan-20-05 10:40 PM
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12. The Bush twins in de la Renta gowns? That doesn't sound right. |
Maybe you heard they were stepping out in low rent gowns. :shrug:
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Fri Jan-21-05 03:28 PM
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at one of the balls, but I can't remember which one. They were wearing pretty Carolina Herrera's (my favorite!)
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:37 AM
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