Yesterday on AAR, Fineman told Al Franken breathlessly that Bush's inauguration speech was the most radically expansive speech regarding America's commitment to the world ever given by an American president. He was referring of course to Bush's diatribe about bringing liberty to everyone.
Isn't Bush the same president that made a soaring speech about committing America to reaching Mars when the Chinese talked about going back to the moon? And how much have we heard about that since it died in the news cycle?
Or how about the 18 billion in funding for AIDs prevention in Africa?
Or 7 million new jobs?
Or tons of WMD littering the landscape of Iraq, ready to be leveled on the US within 45 minutes?
How can any halfway sentient being that was not born last week listen to Bush and not realize they are in the presence of a buffoon? If you take anything he says seriously, you have lowered yourself to his paltry level of intelligence. The only people Bush fools are those that are dumber than him.
Bush must pay Howard alot of money to get him to keep saying nice things about the presidency. I guess that compensates for having your integrity stripped from you. But that's cool. Integrity doesn't buy condos in tropical locales, does it?