For centuries, ever since Bacon's Rebellion and other biracial uprisings in the late 1600s, the power elite in this country have been able to use race as a wedge issue to keep the underclass divided and at each other's throats.
Back in the fifties and sixties that wedge issue started to fail, with the rise of civil rights and other liberal movements. The underclass, heretofore divided started to look at each other and started to realize that they had more in common with each other than with the power elite who were goading them on. This breaking down of the racial barrier continued throughout the rest of the twentieth century, and while it hasn't been completely successful by any stretch of the imagination, it did weaken that wedge tool enough that the power elite in this country realized that they needed another one right quick.
In the seventies the born again movement started up, and the power elite played along with it. They realized that if they couldn't continue to effectively divide the underclass along racial lines, they'll divide them along religious lines. Previously non-political fundementalist religious groups(who truly believed that politics was an evil of man, and should be shunned by true believers) were whipped into a frenzy, first by Roe v Wade, then by other "threats" to their "godly" lifestyle.
And this has been effective, as we saw with Reagan and Bush II. The power elite in this country will continue to play the religion card as long as it works, just as they played(and still play) the race card when it is deemed effective.
What we need to do is educate people that they are being fooled, that these politicians aren't the godly people they think, but are cynical power mongers, doing a cold calculus of divide and conquer. It may take something as monumental as the civil rights movement in order to achieve that, but it has to be done. Otherwise we the people will remain divided and powerless.