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O those pesky libertarians... they're not too happy with Bush

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txaslftist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 10:06 AM
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O those pesky libertarians... they're not too happy with Bush
Seems the Madmonkeyking and his party of thugs have disenchanted a long-time part of the Republican base:

From Lew

"Listening to George W. Bush speak off-the-cuff is a bit like watching Shaquille O’Neal shoot free throws. The anxiety produced by a sense of impending disaster is coupled with incredulity that someone in so exalted a position has failed to master one of the rudimentary skills of his profession."

Says William Grigg, a columnist over at Rockwell.

He all but calls Bush a coward here:

"Mr. Bush is surrounded by an impenetrable security cocoon. He’s shielded from the unsightly spectacle of public protests by those opposed to his policies. In fact, performers at Mr. Bush’s second inauguration have been instructed not to look directly at the president as they pass the reviewing stand, lest by doing so they be considered a security threat. So it’s obvious that however one might characterize the "bring’em on" taunt, it didn’t represent "defiance in the face of danger," since Mr. Bush – unlike the men and women he dispatched to Iraq – is entirely unacquainted with personal peril."

Calls him a liar here:

(qutoing Bush) "We had an accountability moment, and that's called the 2004 elections," Mr. Bush told the Post. "The American people listened to different assessments made about what was taking place in Iraq, and they looked at the two candidates, and chose me."

This statement earns a full 9.0 on the Clinton Scale of artful dishonesty. (Although, to be fair, I’ve given Mr. Bush an additional point for "degree of difficulty" in light of the special challenges he has with the English language.) It should be noted that the president did not say that his assessment was truthful or reliable, but only that a spare majority of the voting public bought into it. Rather than being subject to accountability, in other words, Mr. Bush and his handlers are now beyond accountability."

Lied to the American People here:

"...As that official’s comments illustrate, George W. Bush’s difficulties with the English language – like the casual arrogance with which he holds himself above accountability – is contagious. "We" – the American people – have not "declared war" on Iraq, or any other nation, since December 1941. And while the Bush administration will be gone four years from now (assuming it doesn’t stage a coup, which is a possibility not to be lightly dismissed), the American public will still be paying for the policy decisions made as part of the administration’s "last hurrah." Our military is already badly over-extended in Iraq. Extending the war to Iran, Syria, and points beyond, will almost certainly require a return to conscription – and accelerate our descent into national bankruptcy."

Talks about Bush as a mad dictator here:

"By permitting the Bush administration’s usurpation of the power to declare war, Congress has written a blank check against the blood, treasure, and liberties of the American people. The result is what Abraham Lincoln in 1848 described as "the most oppressive of all Kingly oppressions" – the power of a chief executive to commit our nation to war on his word alone. The words of any president given such power will have dire consequences for our freedom and prosperity. But this is particularly true of President Bush, who not only has difficulty using words correctly, but is demonstrably a man whose word means nothing."

The Libertarians have been an uncomfortable part of the Republican base for a long time, buying into Republican promises of 'smaller governments' and 'free markets'. Now when the rubber hits the road and they realize that Republicans' words and promises mean NOTHING, once they took power, the libs are uncomfortable.

I say tough beans. You decide to get in bed with a gorrilla, he gets to choose the position.
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Burma Jones Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 10:10 AM
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1. Couldn't have said it better myself......n/t
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Commie Pinko Dirtbag Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 10:11 AM
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2. If American libertarians had a brain, they'd vote Democratic en masse.
Ds beat Rs in nearly all the libertarians' pet issues. Even I, 6,000 miles away, can see that.
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charlie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 10:17 AM
Response to Reply #2
6. I cast my first presidential vote
for Ed Clark, Libertarian. Pox on both your houses and all that.

That got me Reagan. I had to make a course correction quick, and it was clear to me even 25 years ago that the only party remotely interested in protecting my personal liberty was the Democrats.
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Mitt Chovick Donating Member (321 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 10:21 AM
Response to Reply #2
9. Ds beat Rs in nearly all the libertarians' pet issues.
Well Libertarians have been instrumental in helping Dems keep/pick up Senate Seats. Just look at our margins of victory in these seats... they are all less than the LP vote total.

South Dakota, Johnson 2002
Washington, Cantwell 2000
Nevada, Reid 1998
Georgia, Cleland 1996

If we had out own Karl Rove, I'd suspect he'd be paying the Libertarian Party for all it's help for playing spoiler
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ixion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 10:12 AM
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3. many libertarians are not in bed with the neocons
They are just as appalled by the threats to civil liberties as progressives are, from what I've read, and as is evident here.

Bush offends anyone who's actually paying attention.

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txaslftist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 10:20 AM
Response to Reply #3
8. True, but they've spewed vitriol at dems for decades.
They're the Republicans' Naderites in a way. They were seduced by Reagan, bought into King George I and all but vomited on Clinton. Libertarians took the position in 2000 that Bush would be better than Gore, and have had four years of lamenting it.

Like Nader, they see themselves a viable turd party when in reality all they do is hand victory to one of the major parties while remaining idealogically "pure". In refusing to get down into the mud of two party politics they abdicate the responsibility conferred by their intellect, and we get madmonkeygeorge as a result.

It is not like people couldn't see this coming in 2000. For a group that prides itself on being principled, intellectual and damn near prescient, they sure flubbed this one.
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ixion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 10:23 AM
Response to Reply #8
10. I agree that they flubbed in 2000...
but at least they have seen the error of their ways.

Sure, they bash dems, but Greens do, too. It's a different political party, and as such I think it's okay to have heated debates about issues. The bashing is mutual from all parties at one time or another.

I don't agree with libertarians on the environment, but I do agree with them on civil liberties. ;-)
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opihimoimoi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 10:13 AM
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4. Very good post, me thinks I will nom it...thanks, Over the top
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seabeyond Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 10:13 AM
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5. get in bed with a gorrilla, he gets to choose the position.
i like, might have to use it.

good post
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DrGonzoLives Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 10:19 AM
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7. Well done
We should make sure people who mildly support Bush see this - show them that people who normally side with the right are pissed at Bush as well (just point to the dig at Clinton if they don't believe that it's a libertarian piece).
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Commie Pinko Dirtbag Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 10:26 AM
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11. This fellow has just done something to this thread:
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Charlie Brown Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 10:36 AM
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12. Check out Harry Brown's web blog

He's contributed some scathing critiques on Bush and the Republicans. I don't agree with his "all gov't is evil" philosophy, but he makes some very insightful points on foreign wars and individual freedom.
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