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C-Span Kool-Aid drinkers-Anyone else feeling my pain?

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nascarblue Donating Member (693 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 10:09 AM
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C-Span Kool-Aid drinkers-Anyone else feeling my pain?
Anyone listening to C-Span this morning? The table of journalists they have on? IS any of you as pissed as me about how many Americans are on Kool Aid that call in? Call after call stating "liberal bias" and Dan Rather"? Ridiculous. Calls about all the protest coverage? Are you kiddding? Nick Berg and Ramsey Clark had to wait 4 HOURS to get through apartheid checkpoints. And what about the Ohio protests and the electoral protests for the last two months? What about the illegal caging up of Answer yesterday?

It blows my mind that for example people still think Afghanistan had a legitimate and successful election.

When nutjob after nutjob bring up this "liberal bias" crap I want to frigging scream. We have to have the dumbest people in the world and I hate to say it but most of them have southern accents. Fuckin red states.
I don't know about you but it takes me hours and many websites to find out the truth on a daily basis.

In the end, what frustrates me most about all the liberla bias talk is that no one ever seems to point out in a clear manner the consistent lies and coverups the rightwing says and their inability to hold this administration unaccountable. This is just driving me nuts! I've been trying to call in for two hours and just about smashed my phone. Anyone else feeling my pain?
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notadmblnd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 10:12 AM
Response to Original message
1. I did like when the reporter told the old woman from Michigan
that he doesn't need the television to tell him what to think. I couldn't get through, but I had wanted to ask how they felt about the tactics used by the Whitehorse to keep the media in line. and if it was true.
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jackster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 10:14 AM
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2. I have been known to throw things at my television
during Washington Journal call ins!

Did you hear the guy this morning who stated first and foremost he voted for GW because he cut his taxes, then clearly was concerned about the agenda laid out in the speech yesterday, and then when asked at the end of his time whether he would vote for GW again, said yes, BECAUSE HE CUT MY TAXES?

I swear, we must be living in some bizarro world !!!!!

You are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO right by the way!
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progressiveBadger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 10:23 AM
Response to Reply #2
4. Because the Iraq war, in their opinion, doesn't affect them
These are the same people that cut into line at the movies, drive like they are the only car on the road, and see nothing wrong with stepping on a few people to make it to the top. What's a bunch of dead soldiers to them? Nobody they know. And the Iraqi toll is of even less importance.
And the worst part? They will always make excuses to protect their beliefs and benefits. Even when it becomes widely known how aweful Bush really is, they will fight with lies, tooth and nail. Not only because they love their "tax-breaks", but because they cannot admit to themselves who they really are: a selfish human being.

That said, it still amazes me that there are people like this.
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jackster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 01:06 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. AMEN!!!!!!!
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seabeyond Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 10:17 AM
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3. challenge anyone that says liberal media. i do and they shut up
i start with since the impeachment, you can say that. kerry had not one positive thing said on the liberal media about him. you cannot tell me there is not one positive about a person. i challenge you to share with me one time there was something positive about kerry. yet you tell me it is a liberal media.

repugs for ten years have been chanting liberal media and you being a fool have bought into it and cant see reality

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KharmaTrain Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 01:23 PM
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6. Hate Radio As "Information"
These people are almost pavolovian on an's the Rushbo/Hannity talking point that comes out. "Librul Media" and "Media Hates bunnypants" are the constant mantra, and all issues are framed in relation to these two hot buttons.

I got a kick out of that lady claiming the media gave Clinton a pass on Lewinskigate. Even Mr. Fascist Friday couldn't let that one go (I was surprised).

As long as blowhards like Limpbaugh and that ilk are allowed to spew their bile without having to be held accountable, and it's aired on so many stations and heard and passed along by so many people, it will be considered "credible"...and the lies they pass along considered "fact". Unfortunately the compromised "journalists" in the media can't expose all the fraud and deception that goes on as it conflicts with their own power ambitions and earning potentials.
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