(note - this is the alternate universe, not the bizarro one we're living in, where a primate is the President)
Washington DC is in a state of shambles after riots broke out during yesterday's Inauguration of President Gore.
Led by various militias and the NRA, the revolt failed in its attempt to prevent the swearing in of Al Gore.
Little is known after that, as many media outlets went black in their coverage. First Fox, then NBC. The last holdout was the marginally relevent CNN.
Attempts to get footage of the carnage from the air has resulted in the downing of one news helicopter by a shoulder-fired missile, it is believed. Washington DC has declared a state of emergency, and nobody is allowed in or out.
Reports of the gunfire aimed at the President are shaky and unconfirmed. Also unconfirmed are reports that the Secret Service abandoned the President. Some sketchy details differ between whether the SS agents hit the pavement voluntarily, or whether they were shot guarding the President.
No details are available on the condition of the President, including whether or not he was hit.
The news blackout continues . . .
/ unreal
Just a matter of perspective as to what would likely have happened had the votes been that close and Gore had won.
Especially after hearing the "rapturous" way that Bush supporters and true believers describe their Christ supplanter . . .