I thought this one too good to waste on editorial board.I am concerned about conservatism. Something is askew with America's right wing. A once venerable institution of morally-guided rational thinkers has been hijacked by a mob of morally-misguided religious extremists. The results are beginning to look less like a political movement and more like a religious-political cult. Is conservatism evolving into a cult? The similarities between conservative psychology and cult psychology are quite remarkable.
Conservatives have created a vast network of private schools for their children, staffed with avowed conservative teachers and administrators, where children can be isolated from society and taught to conform to the conservative groupthink. Branch Davidians did the same thing. So did the Jim Jones cult. Indoctrination into a cult's values must begin at the earliest possible age.
Indoctrination under way
It is important for any successful cult to keep its members isolated, to prevent their exposure to ideas and opinions that contradict the cult's teachings. This attribute of cults is well established among conservatives. The leaders have told the followers that the traditional media cannot be trusted; they are too "liberal" — and the only sources to be trusted are media outlets staffed exclusively by "cult" members and owned and operated by "cult" leaders.
Creating a mindless follower requires many hours of indoctrination daily. Among conservative adults, we find this cult function disguised under the name "talk radio." Grown men and women across this country will spend hours every day listening to some partisan mouthpiece telling them what the news is, how to interpret it, what to be angry about, who to blame for their problems and who to vote for. In the language of cults, such a process of ritual daily indoctrination is called brainwashing.