<<SNIP>> http://www.bluelemur.com/index.php?p=569Democrats draw up speaking list for debate on Condoleezza Rice’s confirmation John Byrne | RAW STORY Editor The Democratic leadership in the Senate has drawn up an agreement with the Republican leadership for the speaking time of Democratic senators, RAW STORY has learned. The agreement follows. Ordered, That on Tuesday, January 25, 2005, at a time to be determined by the Majority Leader, after consultation with the Democratic Leader, the Senate proceed to executive session for consideration of the nomination of Condoleezza Rice, of California, to be Secretary of State; provided further, that there be 9 hours of debate equally divided between the Majority Leader and the Democratic Leader or their designees; provided further, that the debate time under the control of the Democratic Leader be divided as follows: Senator Byrd, 1 hour; Senator Boxer, 1 hour; Senator Reed, 30 minutes; Senator Durbin, 30 minutes; Senator Kerry, 20 minutes; Senator Levin, 15 minutes; Senator Kennedy, 15 minutes; Senator Lieberman, 10 minutes; Senator Corzine, 10 minutes; Senator Salazar, 10 minutes; Senator Feinstein, 10 minutes; and Senator Biden, 20 minutes (from the time of Senator Lugar). Ordered further, That on Wednesday, January 26, 2005, when the Senate resumes consideration of the nomination, there be 4 minutes of debate equally divided between the Majority Leader and the Democratic Leader or their designees; provided further, that following debate the Senate proceed to a vote on the confirmation on the nomination with no intervening action or debate and that following the vote the President be immediately notified of the Senate’s action.
Among those strongly pushing for a floor debate was Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV). Byrd’s press secretary Tom Gavin, while saying the senator has not made up his mind on whether or not to vote for Rice, hinted at possible issues the senator may touch on in his floor remarks. Gavin said that Byrd will be reviewing the nominee’s testimony over the weekend.
“Senator Byrd has been very concerned over the first term of the Bush administration with the use of the doctrine of preemptive strikes,” Gavin told RAW STORY. “He has stated that the doctrine of preemptive strikes turns the constitution on its head. He will look to her testimony to her position on preemption.”
“I expect he’s also keeping a very close eye to her comments where Iraq is concerned, where Iran and other countries are concerned, and he’s going to read her testimony with a very critical eye,” he added.