Our current "heroes" can only do so much. Everyone of us on DU (myself included) has talked about how great it would be for "somebody" to step up and be the change we want to see in the world, but if everyone felt the same way nothing would ever get done.
In a very real sense, we are all followers. We look to our representatives to do what's best for those of us in a particular party, and when they don't we still continue to vote for them because they are the lesser of two evils. I say that it's time for us to stop waiting for someone to take care of our needs. If any of YOU want someone to stand forth and do what needs to be done, then YOU must do it.
Don't like the way you're being treated at work? Complain to your boss or his boss, don't sit back and take it. Tired of hearing about the "Greatness" of the current resident? Read up and fight back, fire with fire. Don't like the way you're being represented? Run and represent yourself. You want someone to lead you against the power elite in this country who are on their way to controlling the national stage? Stand up, step forth, and do it yourself.
You may find that you are the strongest leader and everyone else will fall into place behind you, or you may fall into place behind someone else. If you don't at least try then others won't and nothing will change.
Money is not an issue, time is not an issue. If you feel strongly about something, you will learn to live on less, you will MAKE the time.
Parks told the white man to leave her the hell alone. King stood forth and said to the world that in a truly free America, his people (those of all races) would be treated the same as everyone else.
It's time again, brothers and sisters, to stand up for our beliefs in lead others along the same path to victory.
Don't reply to this thread (other than to kick it). If you feel the same, then get out and do something.
With enough people beside us, we can be a force for change in this country. Enough of a force that many new American revolutions (peaceful or otherwise) on a wide variety of issues can truly begin to take shape.