If they do it, go after condi's "outposts" (holy s**t, she used some of her confirmation time to sell more war, didn't she?), If we bomb/invade Iran, and then Syria, or vice versa, what will happen in those nations, synergistically with what is/will be happening in Iraq? What will happen to our guys stranded there with more impossible missions?
Any doubt there are plans to invade Venezuela being passed around in some dark office?
What will happen with other countries? Will they go further than just "not joining" us in the tyranny? Will they have contingencies to pre-emptively attack us? China? Russia? Even the EU countries? They're not going to just stand by and watch us take over the word, are they?
What would the UK do?
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=102x1172106 "> Russia Slams U.S. for Accusing Syria of Terrorism
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=102x1172103 "> Russia seeks closer EU defense ties, says France
Are alliances being formed in defense from us? In offense of us?
The principle of pre-emption is now clearly established.
Could we win a war if attacked now? Without going nuclear?
Would the rw sheep in this nation start to give a damn?
Maybe this is too far fetched?
Sorry if a dupe.