I always thought the Iraq war was wrong and have been against it. I never believed the WMD crapola, either. I thought it was bizarre during the Dem Convention (as well as the race) that Kerry's admirable anti-war stance was played down while the Convention tried to outpatriot the Republicans (all while hiding anti-war, gay, and anyone that didn't look *red*).
Even so, I was a fence-sitter about supporting the troops. I, frankly, didn't like Lila whatsername in Moore's movie-I thought, well, what did you expect for your kids, if you encouraged them to join the military? That it would be taking a cruise? That they would pay out money for college without any possible killing repercussions? But so many that were caught as, say National Guard, that expected to guard our homeland and not be used as forced military labor...
I have two cousins that joined up this year, both are in Iraq. They have joined knowing they would be sent there and exterminate people. I can't understand it. They made a choice, for whatever reason.
Bottom line is that to me, after seeing this over-the-top display of might, and knowing what I do about the lies and devastations, it supports BUSH and death to say I support the troops. I don't. I think they're wrong and supporting them supports this evil imperialism. So I'm done.