Edited on Fri Jan-21-05 09:46 PM by patrice
I want to thank CSPAN for its coverage of yesterday's CROWNING!
Kansas City (KS/MO) will work for March 19/20 Anti-War protests here. My friends and I will work to bring Kansas Citians together at the Country Club Plaza/ Nichols' Fountain (Mill Creek Park on the CC Plaza) March 19 + 20. There are many people here in K.C. who will work to make this happen. That weekend will be one of many; we have been coming together, each Sunday here in Kansas City, for going on 3 years now.
March 19/20, 2005, K.C. Mill Creek Park on the CC Plaza, March 19/20 etc. Write your own signs (be aware that obscenities will be prevented). What do you think/say about Violence?
I RANT : I have questions that trouble me constantly : When a persons says it is okay for OTHERS to die, doesn't that imply that it is okay for ME/MYSELF/and I, TO DIE TOO?????????????????
What part of being against VIOLENCE don't some people get? Violence does not stop Violence. Violence is stupid.
**The Dead do not WANT MORE DEAD!**
Have you ever seen anyone actually die? A Loved One? How is it possible to say that that is okay for someone ELSE????????????? When you yourself hate "death" more than anything else.
Also: If it was wrong to kill innocent people on 9/11, THEN it is wrong today. AND IF IT ISN'T WRONG TODAY, to kill innocent people, THEN IT WASN'T WRONG TO KILL ON 9/11.
The Bush Family's (Neo-Con's bid to build a Middle Class dependent on war, upon MAKING WAR AROUND THE WORLD) negates most claims for Justice that we would make because of 9/11/01!
This is, IMO, the single most completely baffling and confusing thing about the Bush Family's War. If you're against violence, you must STOP THE KILLING, otherwise, YOU ARE A PHONY!!!!!!!!!!!!
$40 Million (for a royal party) would have bought A LOT OF BODY ARMOUR, better Humvees (another LIE! at the price of SOMEONE ELSE'S BLOOD)
Pardon my rant, but I am profoundly confused about what it means to be what SOME, not all, people call "American." I have never been this confused about what the U.S.A. is in my entire life.
I NEED to know how it is possible to say, in effect, that it is okay for other/unknown someones to die, unless it is ALSO, okay that I die!!!!!
Help, being what some people call "American" is driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!!
Again, Please excuse my Rant, but I reall7y NEED an explanation of this rationale.
Thank You A.N.S.W.E.R. for being rational.
Kansas City (Ks/Mo) will (continue to) organize for March 19-20/05.