From the inaugural speech yesterday:
"The moral choice between oppression, which is always wrong, and freedom, which is eternally right. America will not pretend that jailed dissidents prefer their chains, or that women welcome humiliation and servitude, or that any human being aspires to live at the mercy of bullies."
Well tell me, Mr. Bush, how do you square this rhetoric with your divisive attacks against gay and lesbian Americans trying to attain equality and justice under the law in your own land?
Your claptrap about "protecting" marriage is a not so thinly veiled appeal to bigotry, ignorance and hate. If you really wanted to see justice and liberty in your own country, and believed in your own rhetoric, you would have put forward a federal civil union bill and championed it in place of merely trying to stop people from attaining civil rights. But you didn't, because your objective is not freedom and liberty for all people and all families, your objective is the freedom and liberty to oppress and make laws against people you don't like or understand.
You're the bully, Mr. Bush. Your rhetoric notwithstanding, your understanding of freedom and liberty is warped and twisted by old prejudices and sad superstitions you refuse to acknowledge or address. Prejudices you actively perpetuate with your divisive hate mongering and wedge politics.
Know this: some of us see through you. We understand that you are not the man you seek to present to the world. We see very clearly that you are an inordinately weak and tragic leader, and a man with no moral compass other than the desire to hold power for the aggrandizement of the few.
You're the bully, Mr. Bush. Fortunately, America will survive you, but her own deepending and ever evolving love of liberty and freedom and justice will have to await a very different leader of courage and moral resolve. One who actually understands and believes in the words which leave his lips.