Just because we feel we must support the only democracy, that is, except Turkey, and, well, Iran has elections and sometimes even the opposition gets elected there, but anyway,
Where was I?
Supporting Israel's democracy does not equate to supporting Sharon's government. But, since that government used the same tactics as this one to get elected, this government is not going to criticize it. Most Israelis and most Palastinians want peace. Fewer on both sides still think it is possible, but as long as Sharon and the Likud is in power, it won't happen. And *, with his neo-con Christian Zionists, will not support any Israeli government that would honestly try for a peaceful 2 state settlement -- they want a return of what they think the ancient borders of Israel were, and the destruction of the Dome of the Rock so the Temple can be rebuilt. Otherwise, prophecy cannot be fulfilled.
They are an apocolyptic cult, and pray for the destruction of Israel in the battle of Armageddon. And they just got another 4 years to work for that goal.