So our goal is to free people. To "democratize" them. To give them a voice. Well Mr. pResident, your party, has in fact, done just the opposite for decades. This makes anyone who was involved with their schemes a party to lies and deception.>>The Hand-Over That Wasn't
Illegal orders give the U.S. a lock on Iraq's economy.
By Antonia Juhasz<<
Promoting democracy, it's just hypocrisy, no vote for you and me, you call this free...
You don't see, it cannot be, forced by bombs, read your psalms...
Election fraud, ask you gawd, if this is your democracy, or just votes for free...
Homeless vet, immeasureable debt, and you haven't yet, begun to fret,
Napalm, cluster bomb, DU, see through the reason, amounts to treason, upon the earth, what's it worth...
All for naught, ambitions fraught, national memories, amount to tragedies,
Vietnam, Iran, Panama, Chile, Guatemala, Indonesia, you think we have collective amnesia...
Put up, shut up, show your cards, Yeah it's hard, waste not, want not, empire dreams in the pot...
Cook 'em down, see them frown, once proud people, turned to sheeple, brainwashed under the steeple,
Promote your dreams using warfare, rape their economy, dreams into nightmare,
Call off your dogs, remove the logs, from thine own eye, and then ask why...
Why they hate us... we are free...the lame excuse.. given you and me..
We aren't naive, to blindly believe, give me pause, without a cause... that they die for a lie...
National flaws, corporate jaws, illicit legislation, democratic degradation, inciting patriotic conflagration, with every nation.....
Former allies, don't buy lies, they realize, what neocon madness belies...
To err is human, constantly so, to and fro, is unpresedential, wisdom is essential...
It can't be bought or borrowed, Karl can't give it, Bremer can't buy it.... Rummy ain't got it....
Crying Wolfowitz, torture memo, congressional hearing, constantly searing, into my brain, who's driving this train,
Partisan extremists, no limitations, putting stress upon our nation...
Put on a show, for the world to see, that democracy isn't free, It's dearly costing you and me...
How many dream of the judges gavel when this Nixonian adventure starts to unravel,
Rats leave the ship, their own survival, fundamentalist revival, wrath of the people, national hypocrisy, who rules a democracy...
Not a boy king, with the golden ring, not a secretary of defense who is so dense, not a congress complicit in warcrimes, many of whom should be doing time,
But "We the people", hold them accountable, evidence insurmountable, inaction to protect, failure to provide, legislation to discriminate, secret desire to eliminate....
Those who disagree, you and me, on the list, get the gist...
Once proud, now cowed, hangs head, democracy dead...
She stands at the harbor, silent reminder, why we came, what's her name...
Oh yes I guess... names change... liberty to tyranny... but not for me, not for you... not in a place as powerful as DU.