The last presidential election, we were told ad nauseum, was decided on "moral values." But what about the GOP's porn connection. As the Washington Post's Terry Neal recently wrote, "corporate leaders at companies as diverse as News Corp., Marriott International and Time Warner can profit by selling red-state consumers the very material that red-state culture is supposed to despise. Those elites then funnel the proceeds to the GOP, which in turn has used the money to successfully convince red-state voters that the other political party is solely responsible for the decline of the civilization." Neal cites two court cases involving so-called pornographic films--in Utah and Ohio--that have revealed in two of the "reddest" areas in America, the "community standards" included a huge consumption of porn, even among Mormons.
Timothy Egan, in an earlier piece for The New York Times, wrote, "The General Motors Corporation, the world's largest company, now sells more graphic sex films every year than Larry Flynt, owner of the Hustler empire. The 8.7 million Americans who subscribe to DirecTV, a General Motors subsidiary, buy nearly $200 million a year in pay-per-view sex films from satellite providers." Also, Rupert Murdoch--owner of Fox News and an ardent pro-Bush conservative--"makes more money selling graphic adult films through its satellite subsidiary
than Playboy, the oldest and best-known company in the sex business, does with its magazine, cable and Internet businesses combined."
Finally, AT&T, once the nation's largest communications company, offers a hardcore sex channel and owns a company that offers sex videos to a million hotel rooms in America. One in five of AT&T's customers pay $10 a film to see "real, live all-American sex--not simulated by actors." AT&T is--do I even need to add this?--one of the largest donors to the Republican Party.