"The danger would be, just like the Civil Rights Commission before it, that if we particularize it to Ohio, we miss the goddamn point. The problem is systematic. It’s national. It’s racist. It’s classist.
You cannot fix the system through technical means. They tried that in 2000 and ended up with the provisional ballot, which was originally intended as a reform. Actually, it was Conyers who proposed the fucking provisional ballot and now he’s writing a report saying this is one of the worst things that ever happened to us.
If you don’t address the main issue, which is racism in vote counting, and you don’t address our failure to commit ourselves to democracy, then forget it—there is no technical fix which will work. Provisional ballots, computer voting, punch cards—forget all of that shit. That’s not what it’s about. There is no technical fix to democracy except a commitment to vote and a punishment that if they don’t count the votes, you’re going to go into the streets."
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