From the article: The president said that "it is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation." Does this mean we'll see free and fair elections in Saudi Arabia, our second-largest oil supplier? Or in China, the country that now is the United States' biggest creditor?
The president said, "We will widen retirement savings and health insurance." Does this mean he will drop his insane idea to privatize Social Security and perhaps consider universal health care for all Americans?
The president said that he believes in "the durable wisdom of the Constitution." Does this mean he will dismantle the Patriot Act and stop appointing judges who want to roll back our civil liberties?
We know the answers to these questions: He won't.
Free and fair elections in Saudi Arabia? China? I don't think so.
Social Security secure and healthier citizens? Yeah, right.
The Constitution? It's the only thing holding him back. You can bet it's wisdom is durable, otherwise he'd be president for life.