America is embracing fascism as I type this. And it appears that we have the enabling MSM eager to help cement the transformation. Fearmongering is ever present, disdain for foreign nations, ever increasing nationalism, and a broken democracy.
I've listened, read and typed a few(OK allot :-) ) of Bush critisisms. I've read about Gonzales and his Nazi themes regarding the Geneva Conventions and torture.
I've waited for the outcry. I've waited for the coordinated attacks against the idealism of fascism itself....and I've come up with nadda, nothing. Our leaders are either blind, or complicite, or arrogently ignorant. Do you want a fascist America? How do we fight back against such horrific odds and power and money of the corporates who control the American government?
Because, every time we begin to hear the whispers of complaint....we are blindsided. BLINDSIDED with useless, meaningless arguements about gay rights, or lack thereof, and abortions. I say meaningless because these arguements, while they do have merit, effectively silence any and ALL dissent aainst the corporate powers who efffectively keep us ignorant slaves to their machinations of world domination. Blindsided and dragged down a moral equivalency arguement about values.
Four years ago, when Bush was first selected, I wondered aloud if the nation was headed for facsism. I no longer wonder. It is here. It is now. It is in our faces loud and clear. Imperialistic world domination claiming to fight terrorism, while furthering/expanding the causes of corporations. Torture is acceptable. The Geneva conventions are quaint. The UN is irrelevant. International law is pretty, but does not apply to US aggressions across the world. Bush was honest when he said his policies have not changed. They haven't. Apparently there are some of us who are appalled by his grandiose schemes - but they were there all along.
So, what does the common man, woman and child do when they have a government that is broken, a nation creeping ever closer to a police state, with reduced civil liberties and a rabid right wing media ever chanting its hateful message? I say it is time for the beast to awaken. We cannot fight a government that is so swollen with corporate corruption that they will take away our social programs, shred our social safety net. So, we should take down the corporations one by one. In the end - that is the liberty and freedom Bush speaks of - the liberty and freedom for access to all markets worldwide, access to all resources worldwide regardless if someone needs them more than us, regardless if they are not ours in the first place. That is his freedom - and I want no part of it. Sidestep the fight against government and activate a strong unified message against fascism and corporatacracy.
It is what they fear the most you know. The awakening of the beast - of the American public to realize what a pickle they are in. Torture in the name of American domination, paid for by American corporations who seek to control resources of far away lands. War, death, murder, pain, chaos and loss. I SAY ENOUGH! Fascism is not for me. It is not for my family. It embraces the values I DO NOT CHERISH.
Flame away and call me a conspiracy idiot - I care not.