In the last month we've had 2 DEC members switch over to the Republican side. One just got elected last year as a Democrat.
I sent the following letter to the 3 local newspapers, and sent copies to the 2 turncoats. These 2 idiots even put out press releases to announce their moves.
The names are removed to protect the guilty.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!
Democrat A, and Democrat B, don’t leave yet, we’ve got a few more you can take with you! I can’t believe that these 2 non-entities of the Democratic Party actually send out press releases that they’re switching parties. In the last 2 years, I’ve seen Democrat A exactly once at a party function, and Democrat B, maybe twice.
As the demographics rapidly change in Pasco County, The Democratic Party is undergoing a progressive renaissance that you Dixiecrats won’t be a part of. We’ll be focusing our efforts on making life better for working families by preserving Social Security, achieving energy independence, building better schools for our children, and reuniting a bitterly divided country by being the voice of the average American, not corporate interests.
We can only hope that you guys do as little for the Republican Party as you did for the Democratic Party