Poppa Bush, you sure were quick off the mark to explain that in fact Baby bush didn't actually say what he actually said in his inaugeration speech.
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/news/archive/2005/01/22/national1329EST0508.DTLThanks, Poppa Bush! Glad to know that Baby bush was either LYING in his speech, or has realized that his TRUTH-TELLING scared the fucking crap out of the entire world including even such illustrious rightwingnut warmongering dinks as Miss Piggy Noonan and Tweety.
But Poppa Bush, you also mentioned you hadn't really bothered your beautiful mind with details as to what was happening in Iraq. So I thought it would be nice to point out a few happenings for you, keep you in the loop;
The extremely respected British medical journal, the Lancet, conservatively estimates that 100,000 Iraqi civilians, mostly women & kids, have been killed since bush's illegal Supreme Crime war of aggression against Iraq, with 85% of those deaths caused directly by US forces.
http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/10/29/iraq.deaths/Of our own American men, women and teens, 1371 have been killed so far in Iraq, with over 10,000 wounded (not Purple Heart Bandaid wounded, Poppa, but missing arms missing legs, brain-dead, blind type wounded).
Not actually having a real coalition, only 161 "coalition" soldiers have died for your son's steaming pile of lies. So far.
http://icasualties.org/oif/Since that day, almost TWO YEARS AGO, when your stupid little moran of a son declared his "mission accomplished", things have rather deteriorated in Iraq.
- U.S. military fatalities from hostile acts have risen from an average of about 17 per month just after President Bush declared an end to major combat operations on May 1, 2003, to an average of 71 per month.
- The average number of U.S. soldiers wounded by hostile acts per month has spiraled from 142 to 708 during the same period.
- Attacks on the U.S.-led coalition since November 2003, when statistics were first available, have risen from 735 a month to 2300 and more a month. A MONTH.
And on Iraq's economy side? Well gee more crappy news there...in fact bush is doing far worse than Saddam Hussein;
- Electricity production has been below pre-war levels since October, with just 6.7 hours of power daily in Baghdad in early January, according to the State Department.
- Iraq is pumping about 500,000 barrels a day fewer than its pre-war peak of 2.5 million barrels per day as a result of attacks, according to the State Department.
http://www.realcities.com/mld/krwashington/10703534.htmIn fact, we're losing. And even Republican senators and pundits have started noticing this fact and speaking of it.
In fact, the majority of Americans now say invading Iraq was the wrong thing to do and not worth the costs in blood & treasure. But HELLO, Halliburtion et al are making out like war-profiteering BANDITS! And that's the important thing, really. It's for the Chosen Ones, aka bush's base, the HAVES and HAVE-MORES, to feed like pigs at the trough. The unwashed American masses wouldn't know what to do with all that lolly anyways, probably just blow it all on blow. Or something.
But hey, our uniformed men, women & teens are FUNGIBLE, and of course spending millions for bush's parties are of far more importance than say providing armor for our troops, and after all, rightwingnuts don't actually give a shit how many of our troops die or have limbs blown off because they "support the troops" by purchasing made in China yellow ribbon magnets for their cars.
Oh and NO WMD, Poppa Bush. And Iraq hasn't had any WMD since the early 1990s. While your son continues his LYING that "everyone else said Iraq had WMD", we of course know that in FACT that's pure bullshit from your bush. 50% of this country, as well as the vast majority of the entire world KNEW there was no threat from Iraq, and KNEW there were little or no "WMD".
That sure was some fun tho huh, watching your psycho and his psycho-pals of the US StenoMedia rant on and on with WE KNOW WHERE THEY ARE THERE IS NO DOUBT MUSHROOM CLOUDS...and simply ignore Reality like it was a 2-bit whore at a bush family reunion! Oh wait, bad analogy, considering your family, especially that other boy of yours...
But that's all irrelevant, of course, coz as one excuse is shown to be bullshit, your ignorant little whelp simply changes to a new excuse! Yes, just IMAGINE ANY President with a (D) to get away with such crimional crap! Hilarious to think about, isn't it! That (D) sucker would be impeached so fast...!
"Spreading democracy" was hysterically funny! How DID the Cartel manage to keep straight faces, as they chanted the line that even children knew was a total crock? Such talent! The latest excuse is back to the good ol' -and illegal even by US law- regime change. Now called OOT; "outposts of tyranny". Far funnier than that "axis of evil", and everyone can say OOT, whereas AOE isn't so easy.
Well Poppa Bush, hope your beautiful mind isn't too bruised from the update on your son's Supreme Crime Adventure! You'll rush to apologize & excuse the war criminal for the massive deaths & misery and increased threats to Americans, all caused by your sick sociopath, what with you being a loving daddy and all. But gee...however will you apologize for your nasty evil little Hitler-wannabe to God?