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DU CHALLENGE: What are YOUR values?

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radfringe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 06:57 AM
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DU CHALLENGE: What are YOUR values?
GOPers have staked a claim and wrapped themselves up in values (moral/family) -- but they do not define the terms.

Since Reagan -- Family or Moral values has just been a warm-fuzzy term without substance.

What are the values? Are they the same as mine?

DU CHALLENGE-- what are your values? What does moral/family values mean to you? How do you support and nurture those values? Should the government be imposing their standards (yet undefined) for values on the rest of us?

Think about it.

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pnutchuck Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 07:47 AM
Response to Original message
1. I'm afraid my "values" aren' represented by this current administration
I'm a practicing Buddhist and therefore, do not condone war of any kind. Not to say that I don't believe in defending oneself if one's life is being threatened, but there is no evidence whatsoever to support self defense in Bush's war. My values are:

1. Treat every person as you would like to be treated, with loving-kindness. With the understanding that every living creature wants the same thing as myself, happiness, freedom, and the right to live without being threatened.

2. The life you lead reflects your past actions and will be the reflection of your future actions.

3. We are all intrinsically connected with each other and the planet and to destroy any part of these connections with volitional negative actions effects everything in these connections and subsequently chips away at the very fabric of it's existence.

4. To believe that money and power are real, substantial "things" is foolish, that at the end of this life you can no more take possessions to the "after life" as you can this body. The only "real" baggage we carry to the next life is our good and bad deeds whatever religion is practiced, this message is the same.

5. Lieing, gossiping, and causing rifts between people with unwholesome speech is a useless waste of time and energy. Spreading happiness, positivity, and understanding is a much more productive use of time and energy and promotes goodwill to whomever you encounter. The people who do lie, gossip, and back stab are not worth your friendship because they have only maliciousness in their heart.

6. That "the past is a memory, the future is unknown, now is the knowing". If each of us just live in the moment instead of the anxieties of the past and the dillusions of the future, we could all treat each other as good friends, with (back to 1) loving-kindness.
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shirlden Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 07:57 AM
Response to Original message
2. I have no list of "values"
My "family values" come from generations of just plain, honest, hardworking, loving people who always thought of others first. They are my heroes and my guides. I do believe that the "me" culture in our country has been the source of the current RW fundies who are ruining this sweet land. They never think of others first.

:grouphug: To all
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cornermouse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 08:15 AM
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3. Values?
Values involve trying to give people a hand up whenever possible, not push them further down/back. This means that when you think about something you've done, you have a feeling of "rightness" not righteousness which is usually false. Its hard to explain.
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illflem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 08:18 AM
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4. Can it get much simpler?
Do onto others as you have them do onto you and always tell the truth.
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MsConduct Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 10:44 AM
Response to Reply #4
8. No, it can't. That's the way I do it too. n/t
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Nobody Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 09:10 AM
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5. I try to live my values
Every human being is intrinsically worthwhile. You don't mistreat anyone, particularly those who can't fight back on your terms. Child abusers earn my especial enmity.

Every human being deserves a chance. Cutting off a person's options and vilifying them for failing to live up to impossible standards is wrong.

Resenting people who have little for the little they do have is wrong. Especially coming from someone with excess.

Give other people a hand when you can. Even if it's something small, like helping a neighbor get the car unstuck, or shoveling more than your share of the sidewalk, or buying lunch for a coworker who hasn't got enough cash.

Let other people live their own lives. If it's not the way you'd live your own life, if it hurts no one and infringes on no one's liberty or sense of self, leave them alone.

Be honest, but be careful with the truth. Know when you should speak the truth even if it hurts and when you should keep your mouth shut.

Every human being you encounter is an individual. Treat them that way.

I suppose it all boils down to respect.
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AP Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 10:05 AM
Response to Original message
6. I believe that economic, cultural and political power belong in the hands
of the people, and should flow down and out, and not to the top of a tall, steep-sided, narrow power pyramid.

I also believe we're all better off when we're all better off.

I believe that most Americans have nothing to sell but their labor, and therefore society should do everything it can to make sure that people receive a fair percentage of the value their labor creates.

I also believe that FDR knew what it took to make America a great country, and that's why he fought fascism so effectively. I believe that fascism is the antithesis of everything I believe is good.
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Touchdown Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 10:34 AM
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7. That when society does better, I do better.
No man is an island. To teach, support, nurture my loved ones so that they know how their decisions affects others around them, and extend that into public policy. It's in my morality to use government, which is made up by us, for the common good, and for the benefit of all citizens, regardless of social or economic status, as well to ensure the freedoms, equality, and opportunity of the populous. With freedom and liberty also comes responsibility and a stewardship of our country.

Those values fit into...

*Taxes are not only dues paid for what this country has given us, but also an investment in the future good we will reap from them.

*Everybody has a right to education, a clean environment and health care. We all bear a responsibility to keep our neighbors as educated and healthy as possible. Without education, opportunity is cut off, which is immoral. Without healthiness, freedom is restricted, and so is opportunity. Dirtying up our land, water and air is nothing short of sinfulness, and (I got this from someone on DU yesterday) murder by proxy. Regulations, access to courts, and the free flow of information also fall into this category.

*The tax burden should be higher for those with the most wealth, because it's only moral to pay respect to the society which made laws, provided infrastructure, and an educated workforce which allowed the tycoon to get rich in the first place. Anything less than that attitude is one of a parasite.

*The wisdom, nurturence, opportunity and equality to not only accept, but ensure that each individual's rights are protected. Whether it's African Americans qualified for high paying jobs, access to important buildings for the disabled, women makeing reproductive choices, or gay couples who require survivorship rights. Many more not noted, but just as important. Because with responsibility to society, we also each benefit from it.

I may have more...

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radfringe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 11:13 AM
Response to Original message
9. do no harm
-- treat people as you want to be treated

-- respect others

-- try to understand where other people are coming from-this does not mean you agree with them, but understanding leads to enlightment

-- give a helping hand where you can

-- be fair

-- remember a society is as only strong as it's members

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hollowdweller Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 11:22 AM
Response to Original message
10. If I was deciding a moral agenda #1
Edited on Sun Jan-23-05 11:23 AM by hollowdweller
I would try to do everything in my power to promote family values. The best way to return to family and community values is to not destroy the family unit.

First make any hours over 40 worked be paid double time.

Second increase taxes on rich people and cut them on middle income.

Third affordable health care. Free health care for any parent who wants to stay home and take care of the kids.

Change labor law to make Sunday work be paid at double time and a half so the whole community would be home one day.

People talk about gay priests and no God in school destroying the family and community. I think it is our Godless capitalistic culture.
We had much better family and community when one spouse stayed home, and most people had weekends off. People knew their neighbors. True a lot of times people with dual incomes had more money, but I think people actually had a better life when they had more free time.

The single greatest thing we can do to preserve our family and community is to give the middle income enough financial relief to have one parent home. Less daytime crime, better kids, more healthy meals eaten at home instead of fast food on the run. Cut crime, improve health, make kids turn out better!
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pnutchuck Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 12:43 PM
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11. I have such a warm fuzzy in my heart after reading all the threads
I posted above and returned to read such wonderful kindness by the other posters. Although I identified my personal belief system, the rest did not and which I am sure all come from different spiritual belief systems. It is such a comfort to see such like mindedness directed towards the greater good and that regardless of the belief system, kindness and respect should be the highest priority. Thank you for the post. :hug:
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