Especially investing. I used to have a punk rock stockbroker, who convinced me I should buy an investor-owned electric utility called Southern Company, that they were good people earning the gratitude of their customer base by being so well managed they could keep the price of electricity well below the national average. Now I find out that they have ties to the Bushies and gamed the FERC. Gotta sell that stock...
My recommendation is for the humble but useful product, toilet paper. There's a guy doing business under the name ShitBegone, who sells toilet paper made of 100% recycled fiber, and all the work (milling, rolling, printing the wrappers) is done in union shops, and it's competitively priced with other recycled and premium brands. He'll sell it to you direct, if you can buy it in case lots (96 rolls)-- and I should note that he had a ban on selling to red states which may still be in effect. The web page is