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Iraq war climbing up the record charts of American wars

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HereSince1628 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 12:26 PM
Original message
Iraq war climbing up the record charts of American wars
Comparisons of Iraq war to ten other American wars:

Duration of US involvement in months
1. Vietnam .................90
2. Revolution...............80
3. Civil War................48
4. World War II.............44
5. Korean War...............37
6. War of 1812..............30
<<<Iraq War.................22 >>>
7. Mexican-American.........20
8. World War I..............19
9. Spanish-American..........4
10. Gulf War.................1

Direct Financial Costs (billions adjusted to 2004 value)
1. World War II..........3,025
2. Vietnam.................500
3. Korean..................382
4. World WarI..............283
<<<Iraq War................161 >>>
5. Civil War ...............63
6. Gulf War..................8(88 prior to internat'l reimbursement)
7. Spanish-American..........8
8. Revolutionary.............2
9. Mexican-American..........1
10. War of 1812..............1

American CombatDeaths
1. World War II ..........292,131
2. Civil War (Combined)...184,594
3. World War I ............53,513
4. Vietnam.................47,369
5. Korean..................33,651
6. Revolutionary War........4,435
7. War of 1812..............2,260
8. Mexican-American.........1,733
<<<Iraq War.................1,082 >>>
9. Spanish-American...........385
10. Gulf War..................148

Duration of wars:
US population:

Casualties and Costs:

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Osamasux Donating Member (846 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 12:37 PM
Response to Original message
1. I prefer the term Bush War, myself.
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tuckessee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 12:48 PM
Response to Original message
2. I wonder where it ranks in terms
of "collateral damage" of the human type?

WW2 is obviously #1 with millions of innocents wasted with Vietnam coming in second.

Iraq and Korea probably vie for the third spot.

But don't worry, the good ol' US military is doing what it can to boost the stats and ensure that this war will be a war to remember.

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cliss Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 01:18 PM
Response to Original message
3. Amazing. Thank you, H.
I love these kinds of articles where they show facts and figures. So we can get an idea of what's actually happening.

In the list, there were 2 figures that I need to comment on: 1 is the cost of the Iraq war. I believe 161 billion is too low. These figures could have been compiled a few months ago, so they haven't taken into account more spending. I believe it's at $200 billion or $220 billion. IF they're not lying to us. There's a good chance of that.

The one that blew me away was the cost of World War 1, at just $283 billion. Compare that with Iraq. That is just unbelievable to me. Soon, we will surpass this figure.

Just think, we will have spent more on Iraq than in WW1, and what did we get for it?
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HereSince1628 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 05:03 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Iraq cost came from
I think it is correct, but maybe it's not...
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