Bush was inaugurated for the second time on Thursday morning.
Jon Stewart
There is more hypocrisy involved in this inauguration than any one person could cover.
Jon Stewart of "The Daily Show" did a fine job of covering some of it, though, on Thursday night..
To watch his reaction to George W. Bush's second inauguration speech, click below, and go to "Freedom and Liberty Bush Counter" (video via the blog "Crooks and Liars")
Jon Stewart responds to Bush's inauguration speech
For those of you who can't play the video, it shows Bush saying "I, George Walker Bush, do solemnly swear..."
Then Jon Stewart says, "At which point, 49% of the country also solemnly swore."
Then the video shows Bush repeating the words "Freedom" and "Liberty" with a counter displayed (Freedom: 27 times in the speech, Liberty: 15 times).
Jon Stewart says that ":Liberty" couldn't compete "Freedom" since liberty was hurt by the Patriot Act.
The video also shows Bush saying to the world, "When you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you."
Jon Stewart adds, "Offer not valid in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan...."
For more on the inauguration, including a review of Bush's foreign-policy-on-human-rights by the blog Liberal Oasis, and my own commentary on why the 2004 election is unconstitutional, click below: