got this in my email.... please pass it around, especially if you know anyone who might be an *advertiser* -- I already posted for Skinner in ATA.
Dear Friend,
As 2004 comes to an end and we begin a new year, the staff of The Lone Star Iconoclast would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and words of encouragement during a very trying time this past election season.
Although serious attempts to put the newspaper out of business have occurred, our resolution is to remain in business and to do our best to expand on our role as an independent newspaper, carrying news material that much of the mainstream media seem intent to ignore.
The Iconoclast is still being boycotted by many in the Crawford area, even at a time when our circulation has increased nationwide, from coast to coast, and our online newspaper continues to be accessed in high numbers.
Our ability to exist is contingent upon our ability to persuade individuals and businesses to advertise in the hard-copy newspaper or the online edition (or both). Our latest figures show a 2,600 hard copy circulation. Our latest online numbers reveal over 61,000 sessions during November.
We are offering a special reduced-rate business card ad promotion during January 2005 to kick off the new year and revitalize our ability to continue publishing. Any help by placing some ads or persuading others to do so would be greatly appreciated. We are also selling T-shirts with our logo as an attemp to weather the storm.
If you can help, please call one of our associates, Michael Harvey, at 1-800-241-5504 or e-mail him at: . He can provide a list of services and the associated rates. We are also seeking distributors for hte newspaper and individuals who might want to make some extra cash by selling advertising and/or subscriptions in their area of the United States.
Based on what we have seen occuring in our country, the publishers of The Iconoclast feel that there is a significant need for an independent newspaper like ours, to look out for the little guy and to stand up for democracy by exposing those in power who have hidden agendas that might rob us of the freedoms that are traditional to our country.
Thank you again,
W. Leon Smith
The Lone Star Iconoclast