That the whistleass should have built a UN coalition before invading Iraq is a given, and now that we are in there we must finish the job of really rebuilding Iraq and not bleed it for the oil is also a given
I've heard a couple of Dems demanding more answers before releasing the $87-billion for Iraq... and a few others bash the whistleass on the whole Iraq mess.
Meanwhile,the repugs are dizzy from trying to spin this as an "opportunity" for the UN to join in.
What's agreed by both Dems and repugs is that we have to finish the job or it will be seen as a "defeat"
A few months ago the whistleass spit in the UN face and said we would "go it alone", and we did. Later the whistleass told terrorists in Iraq to "bring it on", and they did... NOW he goes to the UN for help - well, isn't this an admission that we can't go it alone, nor handle the terrorists bringing it on? If so, isn't the whistleass going to the UN for help a VICTORY for terrorists, of sorts?
I'm not saying that we shouldn't go to the UN now, but by taking the "my way or the highway" unilaterist stance before and now going to the UN has greatly underminded what little world respect we did have and this is clearly a "defeat" for us and a "victory" for the terrorists. No matter how you spin it, we've been taken down more than a few pegs
ok flame away