Here's a PERFECT example of the "liberal media" rightwingnut spinmachine in action. We all remember the polls that showed a "majority" of Americans, some 60%, supported bush's invasion back in March-April, 2003.
The RW pundits went on and on and on about that 60% support. They were lying (intent to deceive).
Constantly the US StenoMedia takes whatever result is BEST FOR BUSH and lists that result FIRST, including in their news ledes, even though most times that result DEPENDS ON SEVERAL "IFS". The other results which DO NOT depend on any or as many "IFS" they leave off entirely or list waydownatthebottomofthepage.
Here's one such article:
Poll: Most back war, but want U.N. supportAs if the wanting UN suport would just be a nice thing to have, but not necessary.
Notice nowhere in the title does it mention that "most back war" ONLY IF THE UN ALSO BACKED THE WAR and ONLY IF BUSH WENT FOR A 2nd UN RESOLUTION.Now look at their choice of order for listing the various results:
1. By a
2-to-1 ratio, Americans favor invading Iraq with U.S. ground troops to remove Saddam Hussein from power. Not since November 2001 have they approved so overwhelmingly.
Nearly six in 10 say they're ready for such an invasion "in the next week or two."
2. But that support drops off if the U.N. backing being sought by the United States, Britain and Spain Monday is not obtained. If the U.N. Security Council rejects a resolution paving the way for military action,
only 54% of Americans favor a U.S. invasion.
3. And if the Bush administration does not seek a final Security Council vote,
support for a war drops to 47%. that the FIRST 2 RESULTS DEPEND ENTIRELY ON THE ACTION IN THE THIRD RESULT being undertaken!The result the media listed as #3 is actually THE FIRST, FOREMOST RESULT.
Now relist these results into proper order and suddenly it's a whole 'nother story:1. If the Bush administration does not seek a final Security Council vote,
support is 47%.2.
IF the bush admin DO seek a final SS vote,
AND IF the U.N. Security Council rejects that 2nd vote, THEN
support is 54%3.
IF the bush admin DO seek a final SS vote,
AND IF the UN APPROVE the resolution for invasion, THEN
support is 60%bush swore he WOULD seek that 2nd vote "NO MATTER WHAT"..and several days later he FLIP-FLOPPED and cancelled his request for a 2nd vote.
The MAJORITY of Americans said they DID NOT SUPPORT an invasion UNLESS bush tried for that 2nd vote.Always look for the spin; if it's MSM, it's there.