in Iraq? . . . why are we there? . . . what is it that's worth the lives of 1,300 Americans, the crippling of thousands of others, the murder (yes, MURDER) of tens of thousands of Iraqis, the obliteration of cities and towns, the destruction of the country's infrastructure, and the permanent contamination of parts of the country with depleted uranium? . . . I'd REALLY like to know . . .
is it the oil? . . . is it that Saddam was threatening to start trading in euros rather than dollars? . . . is it the PNAC plan to establish American hegemony in the region? . . . is it just plain foolishness? . . . try as I might, I just can't get a handle on why we invaded, why we destroyed the country and thousands upon thousands of lives, and why we continue the occupation . . . it just doesn't make any sense . . .
and it also makes no sense that no international body -- the UN, the International Court, whomever -- has stood up and called BushCo on this grossly illegal and immoral endeavor . . . what will it take for the rest of the world to tell them "Enough! You can't do this!"? . . .
every morning, on page 3 of my local paper, I read little mini-bios of Americans who have been killed in Iraq . . . most are in their early 20s, but the ages have ranged from 18 to over 60, and all leave behind spouses, parents, children, and other loved ones . . . and every morning I ask myself "Why?" and wonder if these page 3 bios will ever end . . . and every morning I get more agitated, more depressed, more pissed off, and more disgusted with what we're doing to these human beings, both American and Iraqi . . .
sorry . . . just feeling incredibly down about this whole thing and needed to vent a little . . . but I'd really like to hear thoughts on why we're REALLY in Iraq, and why we're engaging in so much abject destruction of life and property . . . thanks . . .