Once again, as in days of old, the abortion protesters who call themselves pro lifers had a rally in front of the white house yesterday, dragging out the old tried and true fight against Roe versus Wade.
And in a creepy moment of deja vu, bush took it upon himself to make a phone call to the protesters, without actually physically being there to be photographed with them. Reagan did this at least twice that I can remember.
Get off the fence george, you're either for it or agin it, which one is it? Can't bring yourself to actually go face to face with your most devoted and dangerous supporters? You'll take their automatic brain washed votes, and ride them like a surfboard to victory, but you won't stand there among them, mano i mano.
bush made another cryptic reference to his shared desire to 'promote a culture of life', buzzwords of support for the anti abortion loonies, who are apparently unaware that president cheney and his front monkey have murdered over 100,000 innocent men, women, and children. Some fucking culture of life.
Next time mr. bush, don't phone it in, that's the cowards way. Get on down there and actually meet these people who you throw red meat to and take advantage of. Get to know them, be seen with them, don't hide behind a telephone, like a punk.