They're heavily on message for BushCo. Today seems worse than usual, but much of their advertising is now for issues ads for the telecom and energy industries, social security deform, etc. And, while Hemmer was reading his TelePromtr this morning, re: SS, he egged on his gues with GOP talking points, after the guy (a GOP supporter of Bush's plan, of course) didn't cheerlead loud enough..."But come on, Congressman, I can recall just five years ago -- (notice FIVE years, not four or three? Had to get into the Clinton years) -- five years ago it seem every other story we did here was about the imminent collapse of Social Security! So, are we to believe that the problem has gone away, or just isn't a crisis?" He gave the Congress-shill the little kick he needed to get back squarely on panic-mode.
Then they sequed into a commercial for the poor, downtrodden telecom industry, who'd be happy to let everyone in America have broadband if those mean old congressmen would let them, so you know, write your congressman and we might give everybody free broadband!
Disgusting...the media is getting more firmly entrenched with BushCo...they occasionally throw us a muckraking bone to make us think they're on the ball, but nothing could be farther from the truth.
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